Thanks To the Senior members from Dr Honda.

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Dr Honda

Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I've been sitting here, and I've been extremely happy with the way this board has been heading.

First... in years past... when the weather gets cold... it seems like I was the only guy who was answering questions.

Second... even during the summer... on the really technical questions... I was the only guy taking care of them.

When Seadoosnipe, Customcarl, and a few others stopped coming around... I was being swamped. But... in the last year, or so.... there have been so many people who have very good knowledge, and have really stepped up. At one point... I would have to make 20 posts a day to keep up (that's why I have over 12k posts) But, anymore... I only need to make 3 or 4 to help.

BUT... more importantly than that... the "Professionalism" of the board is AWESOME !!!!!!

As you guys know... I don't get paid to be here. I just like this board. I am a member over on GH, SDSB, and a few others.... but I really feel as if many members here are my extended family.

I'm not going to post names, since I know I will forget someone.... but, all the "old Timers" who help... you know who you are. AND.... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR MAKING THIS BOARD A GREAT PLACE TO HANG OUT !!!!!


There is one special thanks, that needs to go to Lou. He stepped up as a MOD when it was needed. A few months ago, I was noticing that this board had 5 or 6 MODS, and 4 or 5 "Local Guides"... but I was the only MOD who was actually posting. So... I asked the owner if I could get some help, and they agreed it was needed.

I know this got long, but thanks to everyone who has stepped up !
There is one other special thanks I need to make.

We have a member here, by the name of "Chester". As far as I know... he's the only true BRP tech. He's not on here very often.. but if I ever get stumped, he will respond to a PM in a couple hours. I know he may not see this... but if he does...

CHESTER: Thanks for helping on the really though questions. !!
While I do appreciate the recognition a lot of the credit for the success of this forum belongs to you.

Most of what I have learned about SeaDoo's in general and how to deal with people I owe to you. You have a unique way of dealing with people that most of us will never accomplish. Everyone has a different opinion, like my Dad said "opinions are like assholes, everybody has one".

Yes. I am on many forums as well, and I am always pleasantly surprised to see how many genuinely nice people there are here on the 2 stroke forum. I have noticed as well that you are not having to answer as many questions, and it is because people like (just naming a few and will forget some) Minnetonka, Spim, JSG, Lou, racerxxx, squirrel, and Matt are there very quickly to help people out. There is so much knowledge here it amazes me. The passion of these people have turned me from a rec rider to a full blown seadoo enthusiast. I am on this board way more than I would like to admit, and it is just nice to be able to sit back sometimes and soak up the info you all know. Thanks guys, and especially Dr Honda for keeping this place interesting and helping more than your share when you obviously don't have to do it!
Tony aka Dr Honda, I think you are WRONG.

I think it is us the common seadoo, jetski, boat owners that need to THANK YOU and the other senior members.
If it wasn't for the knowledgeable people here then the other 45,000 members are here for "naught".

If we have a problem that we can't solve ourselves and no one answers the question in the forum and we then go to the dealership for costly repairs time & time again, then it could frustrate some one enough to give up the sport.

But here on SDF not only are questions answered but they are the correct answers. In the year and a half I've been a member I've learned a lot.....but also come to realize that it's only about 10% (if that) of what the real pros like yourself knows. I've also made some new friends some in Fl some in Michigan.

I can only imagine how many PMs you get on a daily basis, and phone calls too, (both of which I've done). In the past 6-8 months there has been a good increase of knowledgeable people joining and that's good to see.

I wish I could do more but a big THANK YOU to you and the others will have to suffice for now.

BTW, what is SDSB?
IMO its all about sharing the knowledge and passing the passion on to others. I highly appreciate all the ideas that flow from this site.

I have been around motors all my life, but didnt start jetskiing till 99ish, and my first seadoo in 01. I had ZERO knowledge and got fleeced at the stealership on a carb job.

Then in 02 was born and I quickly realized Bill Oneil was a ubber master of seadoos and read as many posts as I could to start doing repairs on my own. 06ish I parted out my SPX and really liked it. Parted a few skis in my spare time till '10 when I lost my job and decided to go full bore into seadoos.

I agree 100% the 2stroke PWC section is an amazingly tight group. Hopefully we can all start going to different events, or all meet up in FL next year for a get together. The Wisconsin Dells Freeride is May 31-june 2nd...there will be 150+ skis there of all types. Even lil' wake will be there with his 787 powered gambino boat.
I agree with everyone's comments. It's a great forum and it has saved me untold dollars, frustration and time. I just got
into this hobby 3 years ago and have had a great time. I have a partner-in-crime and we've made some nice dollars repairing and cleaning up
some machines - enough to pay for our own and cover the expenses of this little "diversion". A lot more than I can say for my wife's golfing addiction. Anyway thanks to all on the forum for the interaction! I find it quite enjoyable just reading all the threads that don't even apply to anything I least not yet!
Thanks to you Dr Honda and all the Sr. Members who make this board the best. I don't post to much, just every now and then trying to lend a hand as well as learn from the experts here. I too belong to a couple other PWC foru s, but this one is my home and Iusually stop by daily just to see what's new. Everyone here is always very helpful and honest. Seems there is a level of maturity here that the other forums lack(IMO).
I agree with all said above, its actually a breath of fresh air to see positive and encouraging responses even to some of the most basic questions. I think there is a solid core of regulars, and IMO the forum is well modded, unlike some other forums, where its either over modded or pretty much ignored and posters get away with too much.

and I agree with SDB... Thank YOU Doc ! have some great insight and some repair jobs like that merc motor that are works of art!

I also have always liked Chester's insight...def learned alot from him over the years.
i joined this forum a year ago because i was purchasing a seadoo and wanted to know some info about it and when i signed up and went into the 2 stroke forum and looked up a few threads, i was amazed on how the knowledge was so good and so accurate! i am def not a mechanic, but i do somewhat of my own mechanical work (nothing to complex) because i dont have the know how but i do enjoy if you could say taking appart some seadoo's to see how they work etc. I must say the usuals on this forum are really a whole lot of help and have helped me and a whole lot of other people here! i really do enjoy being on here and reading about seadoo's just as much as reading the random off topic's. i will now be more inclined in the 4 tec forum as i will be moving from 2 stroke to 4 tec but that doesnt matter. to me we are all a big familly across the world that brings us to 1 simple thing. watersports! whether it be boats or seadoo's! i truly enjoy seadooforum!

cheers! :D
I think this is the most positive thread I have came across. I too have to thank alot of you guys, Tony(Dr Honda) for those great stickers that set apart my skis from the rest, Nick(minne) for all your help when Im stumped and for getting me parts quickly and at fair prices. Dan(racerxxx) for always dropping what your doing to search for things i.e. Hardware, 99 spx nos(that was awesome) and the rest of you guys for all your trials and errors that youve posted for the rest of us that make our lives easier.

Im on here more than home so I will say this is my 1st home lol.
Alot of good guys here
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Im not sure where I should even begin. Few years ago I was going to rent a pwc never rode one in my life. Found a running tigershark with trailer for $600 so I got it and first time out I fell in love with it. Second time out I deceided I needed something else that wouldnt get passed by paddle boats. I turned to seadoos and got a 98 gsxl I got in fall/winter so all I could do was check compression it was cheap enough if something was wrong. Found this site and read on fuel lines so I changed them out and deceided id just have dealer do carbs it cant be that much I was wrong. I then had problems with splines on driveshaft/impeller and was told to message minnetonka so he sent me both at a fraction on the cost then deceided I needed another one so I read everyone loves x4s so I ended up getting 96 xp. Test drove it once due to fuel lines and this winter ive did fuel lines, base gaskets and now working on electrical system all thanks to this fourm. Ive deceided its much better to just send doc my carbs which also is doing my reg numbers as well. If minnetonka didnt have parts I needed and the fourm kept me away from dealer i would have gave up on the sport. Now im hooked and currently looking for another seadoo probally a gtx. I just hope I can help people out in future as much as ive been helped even if its telling someone to slow down while towing to possibly save an engine. Thank you everyone espically those who have helped me on my x4 and the journey isnt over yet lol
I think this is the most positive thread I have came across. I too have to thank alot of you guys, Tony(Dr Honda) for those great stickers that set apart my skis from the rest, Nick(minne) for all your help when Im stumped and for getting me parts quickly and at fair prices. Dan(racerxxx) for always dropping what your doing to search for things i.e. Hardware, 99 spx nos(that was awesome) and the rest of you guys for all your trials and errors that youve posted for the rest of us that make our lives easier.

Im on here more than home so I will say this is my 1st home lol.
Alot of good guys here

Thanks bro, but your work cannot be dismissed either. When I got my clapped out project I was reading up on your buffing threads. I see a ton of forums where I read a ton of info--but get bummed when there are no pics!! Pics are worth a 1000 words to guys, especially the guy/girl who might not be 100% mechanically inclined but wants/needs to try. Hence my photo laden XP resto thread(sorry admins and mods), and now your revamped How to buff your ski thread. I was hoping to inspire other guys to get into the resto mode, I think it worked, as did yours. I think it's all this stuff that helps others see with their eyes first and then determine what they can or cannot tackle and push their abilities to the next level-That's what it's about. I think we live in a very visual world and these pics that get posted help. I love reading and helping out when I can and trying to share knowledge and pick some up along the way, it's how I was raised. I usually don't mind stopping to help research or look something up like your carb hardware or 99 SPX and decal for it, I love to see stuff getting resurrected and saved. I get many times through out the day to take a break and hop on the the forum here and help when and where I can, working from my shop at home gives me a big advantage--I'm online a good portion of my day.

I think that there are a bunch of great guys on here with the same passion, so lets keep it up!
When I joined this forum I had no idea what a forum actually was or how it worked. Did a lot of reading at first and then finally got the nerve to make my first post. Within the first few replies I felt like the apprentice in a room full of teachers that have a passion for teaching. What a relief that was, the replies always instilled confidence that whatever the problem may be we could get through it as group. This along with the unbelievable amount of knowledge from you guys is the key to the success of this forum.

I bought my first seadoo last summer for the kids to take to the neighbours down the lake from us, I got tired of them taking my boat and leaving me on the dock to man the cooler.
I have since then bought 5 more (we are a family of 6). This was not my intention, but the forum and the polite and courteous help with all aspects from parts to technical has given me the seadoo bug. The passion that is shown by the group is contagious.

Keep up the good work all, a special thanks to the Doc, JSG, Minn, LOU and Racer you guys are a great asset to the forum, your polite, concise replies have set the tone of this forum and is felt by all members. oh and the rodent with his one liners.............PRICELESS
I was hoping to inspire other guys to get into the resto mode, I think it worked, as did yours. I think it's all this stuff that helps others see with their eyes first and then determine what they can or cannot tackle and push their abilities to the next level-That's what it's about.

I would definitely say so. All of these resto threads (I think I counted about 5 or 6 on the first page right now alone) is definitely the reason I just picked up my 97 XP and started a thread. You, JSG, suke, (forgetting some im sure) and your threads have really given me the bug to get out and work on them alot more, especially since I have pretty much done everything already to my GSX. It really gives people I think the courage to get some dirt under their fingernails and do some work on them, because honestly, these 2 strokes really arent that complicated of machines
I would like to just comment that this site is professional, educational, and made up of a whole bunch of good people trying to make the world of jet skiing /boating a more fun and fulfilling experience!
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