Underwater LEDS…would like your opinion

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I don't know if anyone has even tried this, but I would like to give it a shot.

Basically mount Blue incased LEDs on the stern, on the rear of the boat, so
that the wake glows blue when underway. Also creates nice effect when stationary.

I have access to the LED's. The only variable would be where to mount these, as
the hull is mostly out of the water when powered up.

A lot of boaters are doing this now, and it would probably be a nice addition to a
Sea doo boat.

Please let me know what your ideas/thought are on this, before I go thru with the project.

Thanks, Greg


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Why not?

Afterburner effect does look cool, although in most areas we can't boat when it gets too dark so you might not have all the chances in the world to show it off.
The lights in the picture are way, way, way too bright to be LEDs. Neon, maybe.

I would suggest that before another Knee-Jerk comment, remember: Google is your friend.

From the picture I googled OceanLED and sure enough they exist, and the pictures from that site all look that that posted pic OceanLED.com and they have video as well.

Another quick search and they are NOT cheap! each LED assembly could be at least $1000!! :ack: add wiring, the 'power' to run them, et al....

I like them, but I see NO way my speedster could generate (nor sustain) the power they require.
Calling my answer "knee-jerk" implies that I have enough intelligence to have thought out my answer but didn't.
I think you are giving me too much credit.
Way Cool!........

Those are way cool!.......but I don't think I'd get much use of them at night. I also don't want to pay that high dollar.

But I have to disagree with you Cerberus about the power system of the Speedster. It will generate the power. You just have to buy the electrical junction boxes and the step up converters. They offer those too. You have the electrical system, you just need a way to amplify the power.:cheers:
alot of people are getting cheap underwater leds from OZIUM I beleive, and the y look Dang good I think.

These are small leds that normally go in fountains and the like, but they look like they are working really well on the small boats like ours.

You need to check local laws as you are only suppose to have a white light on the rear of your boat, at night. You might have to leave your navigation lights on at night, to avoid a ticket, or accident.


I would think they would only be used in anchoring. Like Karl has said, the marine laws of your state will dictate what you are able to use on a boats navigation system at night. Normally, the red, blue and white lights must be on while underway, but anchored, you're probably going to find it's o.k. to use them. I know here, we have lots of boats out at night, anchored in the bay or river and they have all kind of lights on. So, if you have some on under the boat, I dont' see a difference.

Oh, I did find that site, it was Oznium and they have there underwater LED system a lot cheaper than that other link I first posted. Check it out.....http://www.oznium.com/marine-led-light
Yes that is the site. I have seen where another jet boat had them installed for less than a Bill, if you can beleive that..that's less than $100, for the same effect as the expensive underwater LEDS.

I plan on installing some ASAP. Please let me know if you have any luck with these.

I also think the legality would be fine where I am located.

Thanks, Greg
I have four of these LED lights ready to mount on my 99 Sea Doo Speedster.

Now I am trying to decide what screws to use, how many holes I need to run the wire thru( 2, or 4), and
MOST IMPORTANT, what type of adhesive, epoxy, or sealant to cover/fill the holes with.

Thanks for your suggestions
I was on here looking for some help for one of my sea doo's and ran across this post and registered just to see if I could put my two cents in.

I have all under my platform on my nautique done in red lights and I only have about 200 rapped up in the whole deal. The lights I have under I just bought from a local car audio shop and have lasted since May 3, and my platform stays under water most of the time when I have the boat loaded down for boarding, and they are still holding up.

I have not had any issues with lake patrol about those lights or all the lights on my tower but, our cops are easy going on the lake I live on so, you would for sure want to check out your local laws.

I will drop the boat lift down tomorrow night and turn them on and post a pic and let you see what you think.
Led Install

I got my LED's installed, four of them, and let me say that they look awesome.

I really took my time on the install, so hopefully they will not leak.

I sealed all the holes with 3M Marine epoxy and then siliconed around the stainless Allen Screw
heads that I got from TSC.

Once the wires were inside I carefully wire loomed them so they are not just dangling around in
the engine compartment. Then the wires are routed to a 12Volt relay, where the LED's can be
powered on by a dash switch, or a remote from up to 100' feet away, according to the owner's manual.

These really look impressive, even on the trailer, which has complete LED's as well.

The remote would let you cut the LED's on if you wanted to grab some attention at a restaurant
parking lot, or similar place, although I don't think BLUE L.E.D.'s would be wise at all going down the road.
That would definitely be asking to get pulled over by your local law enforcement friends, and most people
don't want that after a day of fun on the lake!

Now I am working on my stereo, which hopefully will turn out good as well.

I put some pics. up of how bright these things are, even in the day.


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Man, I wish my wife hadn't just walked into my office while I had those pictures up...Now SHE wants them on our boat...:cheers:

I love the look.......especially the pictures and videos from the site you attached earlier. Ok, what type are yours and can you post some pictures of a close up detailed picture, maybe with the lights off so we can see better. I have thought of adding some to my interior as accent lighting, like in the cup holder, maybe even the rear swim platform.
I gotta say these look pretty sweet...looking forward to the in-water pics :)
They do look fantastic! You should get a few close up pictures of them so we can see how you did the install, and what you used for parts.

I would put it in the lake guys, but it is 29 degrees here!!!! HAHA

well if you cant do this then , maybe a how-to with pics and pics up close and from inside aswell???? PLEASE!!!! i maybe want to do this, not sure if i can bring myself to drill big holes in my hull though LOL......
Hi new to the site and to the whole jet boat scene, Just wanted to say thats sweet looking, A step by step with pictures of an install like this would be nice.

I have drilled holes in glass fish tanks, Not sure if the boyz are big enough to drill holes in a hull of a boat though.
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