1996 GTX - Idle jumps 1K to 2K rpm .... let go of throttle and dies?

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An easy test to see if it's the rectifier is disconnect the red wire and see if the problem clears. The rectifier is located in the front E-box next to the MPEM.
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first off and most impotant is make sure you are not "buttering cold corn", cause that dont work, lol, make syre your engine compression is good, test compression, and post your results, then people here will tune in im sure
Ski has been rebuilt by a Pro.
Everything is in 100% Like new working condition.
It is a NEW Ski!!!! All said and done $4000 into it.
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Ski has been rebuilt by a Pro.
Everything is in 100% Like new working condition.
It is a NEW Ski!!!! All said and done $4000 into it.
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where in Fl?

You need to get a manual. It helps a lot.

For the compression go to discount and buy one for 25 bucks.
Unscrew sparkplugs and screw in fitting for tester. Hold throttle open and hit the starter button. Read gauge.

That will insure the top end is still good. 150 will be perfect.

Here is something else to look at


As well report if you have grey Vs black fuel lines.(already confirmed changed from other thread)

video would help....
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Hey ocod

Thanks for the info. I will use your advice and post back.

I say "They" because I don't think it is right to drop names
and places. Even though I think I have been given the shaft.
I respect this forum and it's members. Don't want to step
on anyone's toes.

How can I find someone on this forum near me to
contact about my ski. I don't mind paying to have it
fixed but I would like an honest person to have a look
at it. I am in central/ west coast FL.

Grizz is tampa and Spimothy Leary ? are probably your closest.
Post in the regional sections for help

Take a detail video and post it.

Nothing wrong with telling about bad experience or name dropping. May may not be the first.
I know when I started I went through it.



I would start by taking carbs off again yourself and follow steps in file. Post#3
If not people here can rebuild them for a lot less and WE know its done right.
At least open carbs up and see if OEM diaphragm. Has to red top.
Check internal fuel filter and confirm needle adjustments.
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I am located south of Tampa, closer to Sarasota.
Ski has been rebuilt by a Pro.
Everything is in 100% Like new working condition.
It is a NEW Ski!!!! All said and done $4000 into it.
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from that video i can can tell your just not getting fuel. it tried to fire there for a second but didn't have the fuel to run. I'm betting there is something wrong with your diaphragms (IE not OEM, they will always give you trouble) or your fuel selector is clogged. and with how offten your turning the motor with out it running, i'd pour some oil (a little bit) down those spark plug holes, also dont run the starter for more that 30 seconds. and let it have about a min break to cool.
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If you end up taking it to someone try Joe Kingsland Kinglands auto and marine repair Kingsland Auto/Marin 8900 Phyliss Ave Sarasota 34231 941-330-4170 he has been a member of the forum for about 3 years.
Ski has been rebuilt by a Pro.
Everything is in 100% Like new working condition.
It is a NEW Ski!!!! All said and done $4000 into it.
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Ski has been rebuilt by a Pro.
Everything is in 100% Like new working condition.
It is a NEW Ski!!!! All said and done $4000 into it.
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I would check compression first...it is about the handiest little gauge you will ever buy!!!! You could return it once your done as well ; )

If you have good compression, and good spark, then it is a fuel problem ( <- captain obvious!!!)...I can't give you expert advice but read the link below...very instructive!!!! Also, I wouldn't give up and go to a mechanic, its cheaper and funner to do by yourself!!!

Hope this helps a little!!!

Edit: I think 50:1 mabey a little lean??? Correct me here if I'm wrong ( <- as i am a lot!!) ...I have heard 40:1 for these types of engines??? Im not 100% about that though!!
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The only thing I don't like is the spinning sound at the end. Was the choke on or off?
When my RV gear was toast it made a similar noise and it wouldn't fire??

You need to get compression checked.
Also try to take off air cleaner cover to see carb butterflies.

And its 40:1 btw.
Ski has been rebuilt by a Pro.
Everything is in 100% Like new working condition.
It is a NEW Ski!!!! All said and done $4000 into it.
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part is under a 100 bucks but engine has to come out in which you can do that.
Then strip engine down to split the cases and replace that center gear.
Problem is gear is made of brass so those fine pieces work themselves down to the crank and cause more damage.
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Also don't crank the starter for more than 5-10 seconds at a time, then let it cool for about 30 seconds before cranking again.

I heard the whirling sound too. Does a starter ever make that sound, if going bad?????
Ski has been rebuilt by a Pro.
Everything is in 100% Like new working condition.
It is a NEW Ski!!!! All said and done $4000 into it.
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Also don't crank the starter for more than 5-10 seconds at a time, then let it cool for about 30 seconds before cranking again.

I heard the whirling sound too. Does a starter ever make that sound, if going bad?????


Had to bring the ski back 3 times for the starter.
took them 3 times to get it right.
Then after that the flywheel....

Probably used SBT starter.

OP you are defiantly trying to dig your self out of a hole.

Get a compression reading. That is critical information.
If RV gear went bad. Your in it for another 1000 to do it right or buy a 2nd hand 787 for 600-700 bucks and start over yourself.
Take the plugs out and spin the PTO(where drive shaft connects to engine) it should spin freely.
Take the carbs off and follow the links I showed you. Its very easy if you take some time and follow the directions.
Once carbs are off you can take the intake off to look at the RV gear for play or shaving. Its four bolts....

Did you get a manual yet?
its the carbs. the spinning sound your hearing is the starter drive withdrawing off the flywheel when it sinces the small cylinder fires that he's getting, and he's still holding the botton. nothing wrong there.

there is something wrong withs those carbs. fuel is getting to them but they're either not ajustsed right or need a rebuild.

pull the plugs from the motor and turn without them in, fuel will prob spray out of the spark-plug holes.
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