Need an Impeller?

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I took my 2000 Islandia in for an impeller replacement. The mechanic says I don't need an impeller. My engine runs fine. When I have more than 4 people onboard I chug along still maintaining the high rpms. Does my impeller need replacing?

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 4.11.09 PM.jpg
The picture isn't very good... but it's rough. But... the cavitation doesn't start with a bad leading edge... it's a rough surface on the back... and ring. AND... if there's high clearance.

Jet drives don't work well in the low RPM ranges. SO... with a load... and especially if they are all in the back... you may have to get up to 4500 before you start to push up, and onto a plane. Once "On Step"... you will become more efficient.
It looks like the clearance between the prop and pump is pretty tight, which is a good thing. The leading edge of that prop - looks like it was sharpened mechanically or something at one point, never seen that before.

Hows the condition of the pump stator?
Based on the pic where the light is coming from behind the impeller, and how beat up the leading edges are, I'd replace it. The gap is questionable and I have to think a blade is probably bent based on the leading edge.
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I ended up just buying a solas impeller. I took it to my Seadoo guy down the street who maintains my jet skis.

We had to order the tool to remove the impeller. We should have some time to take it out this week.

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