Forums Upgraded and Updated - Post Issues Here 3/12/15


Hey Guys,
Just doing normal maintenance on the forums. We upgraded to a much more powerful server now. Also, updated the software and many other behind-the-scene items. There are no doubt going to be a few issues to iron out. If you notice any bugs, please let us know!

Joe Z
I read about the maintenance, couldn't get in, so tried it via TapaTalk and the web just to see IF I could get in. It was horrible waiting. So far via TapaTalk it is working.
I have used both my phone via TapaTalk and regular internet as well as my home computer. So far no issues for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry guys, becasue we moved to a newer better server we were forced to change IPs. Doing that creates issues with DNS. The site was actually only down for a short time.
Greg and Joe, I am not receiving notifications for private messages even though the settings are turned on. No email, nor a message push via Tapatalk.
Greg and Joe, I am not receiving notifications for private messages even though the settings are turned on. No email, nor a message push via Tapatalk.

Some members are reporting getting an excessive amount of emails, some none at all. Let me look into this and see if its just delayed or broken. Have you still received no emails?
I don't get emails or PM notifications.

I did get one email 3 days after update that I had a new PM.

I did try logging out and back in and resetting cookies in browser.

Sorting out the email issues. Hopefully all is working by Monday. Some are being delayed a few days, some are bouncing. We'll get it resolved and definitely appreciate the feedback.
I keep receiving PM notifications from messages that were from 3/17 and already read. I just deleted my pms to see if that stops the notifications
I haven't received an E-mail notification since 3-15-15, not that big of a deal since I check in 2-3 times a day.

I'm not sure if it's something on my end or not, but I'm using a Mac and when I try to upload an attachment the page goes blank. I can click the attachments button, browse to the file I want, and then click open. Then I try to click upload and the page just turns white (blank). Any ideas? I've never had this issue before. This happens on Safari and FireFox.