VTS Nut wrench

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I have a 99 GSXL and the VTS rod end broke off. I got a used one from Nick and today I asked him if the Seadoo VTS socket tool was needed. He replied that it is but most people make a wrench out of PVC. I somewhat remember a thread on this subject.

Am I correct to assume the nut is on the outside of the hull? Where does the boot go?....the diagram really doesn't show where.

I'm in Michigan right now but will be going to FL to visit my ski in about 10 days, Hopefully for a ride too....somewhere.
After looking at the diagram it looks very easy to replace but I've never done it before.


I see that part #27 is threaded onto the motor spline. Is the nut #32 on the outside of the hull?
Can the clamps #9&10 be reused once removed?
Anyone in Bradenton area have the PVC tool?
What size is the nut? it says M27....which means what?....27 MM? If so that's a whopper of a nut. :)

Thanks for any help. This is the only VTS unit I've ever worked on.

Any suggestions?
1"-1/4 ABS pipe. Heat the end up with a bernz-o-matic or a paint stripper (heat gun), and jam it on the nut and wait a minute, then twist. The piece I have is about 3' long with a 90 on the other end like a handle.


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OK I assume it can be found at Lowes or Home depot. Did you glue a T joint to the other end then add a little of pipe to both sides of the T?
Nope. I cut the pipe out of my house when I removed the sink in my basement. Had it laying in the shop. Needed the tool one day and remembered someone else doing it before. So, the 90 was glued in part if the S trap IIRC. I don't go overboard, I use what I have at my disposal so it would have been more work to get my hacksaw and cut the 90 off, so I left it. Just so happens it works as a handle. Pays to be lazy some times.
If you pull the pump and change the oil at the same time you can use a pair of channel locks. I have never needed or made a special tool for the VTS nut.
If you pull the pump and change the oil at the same time you can use a pair of channel locks. I have never needed or made a special tool for the VTS nut.

I used to do it by that method. Once I made this tool on the cheap, the pliers seem so archaic. Trust me, try the Kool-Aid, you'll love it.
My wheels are already turning Dan, I got my heat gun and have the perfect pipe in my shed for this. I like the way you think Sir

96 XP800!
Keep the 2 strokes alive!
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