Carburetor removal???

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New Member
Is there anyone on planet earth that can give a step by step procedure on how to remove twin carburetors on a 1994 gtx with a 657 engine????? There are several 13 mm. bolts and also several 5mm allens> I have bent a old 13mm wrench at a 90% angle and I am able to loosen the 2 top mounting nuts! Is it possible to remove the bottom lingage on the throttle to get access to the bottom two lower mounting nuts?? If I have to remove the manifold do I loosen the allens or the 13mm bolts???????????????????
LOL yes its a total biatch on that machine. I perfer taking the whole manifold off via the 4 13mm bolts but that lower one on the mag side is a total buttknocker. I am pretty patient but tools typically get thrown when I do that bolt.
I have yet to work on a two stroke that the carbs are easy to come off of.. (UNLESS) you get those older sleds with the carb in your face, those arent too bad..
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