Seadoo Engine Shop


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Check out the Seadoo Engine Shop

Get your engine rebuilt for less, top quality workmanship and parts, and a fast return!

F.Y.I., SES does not sell new engines, they only do exchanges (rebuilds).
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i wouldnt count on a fast turnaround ive been waiting 11 weeks for mine and still no answer as to when its going to be here !!!! starting to wonder if its time to call paypal and file a complaint
He's a good guy and really busy. That's a good thing. I've heard nothing but good, with the exception of a few people complaining about turn around time. It's a one man shop...hard to get the work done and talk to people all day. I have the same problem myself.
I give a thumbs up for turn around time about 3 weeks as promised. Looks nice but I have not put it in yet. So far my only complaint is they painted over the engine ID tag. But now knowing that next time I will remove that as well. If that's the worst thing I can find I will be very happy as a customer. Dave