2015 RXT 260 IBR Failure, Low Battery Voltage?

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Hello all- seeking some advice on an issue I'm having with my 2015 Seadoo RXT 260.

Today I was cruising around the lake and after about an hour, maybe 2 hours of riding, I came to a stop and noticed the ski would not go into neutral or reverse and the IBR light was solid red, not flashing.

I shut off the machine, took out the key, and started her back up. Immediately the battery light lit up, check engine light lit up, IBR light lit up, and the screen read "LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE" for about 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, the check engine light went off, the battery light went off, and the screen no longer read low battery voltage. The IBR light stayed on, and the IBR system continued to not work.

So i dealt with not having IBR for the remainder of the day, every time I turned the ski off and started it back up the battery light, CEL, and low voltage warning came on for the first few seconds, accompanied by a long BEEEEEP, then it shut off. (IBR light was on all day)

I took her home and did some research, seems like the IBR failure and actual low battery voltage go hand in hand, so I disconnected the battery, re-connected it, tightened up the leads, checked for any loose connections (briefly) and fired it back up. Still having the same issue.

So I checked the voltage across the leads with the ski off and measured 12.5V. I checked the 2 other ski's that i have sitting around (both 2015 GTI 130's, one with a brand new battery) both of their voltages read 12.3-12.5, so it looks like the voltage on my RXT is just fine??

I once again disconnected the battery, tightened up the leads, checked the voltage, and started her up. Same issue..

Has this happened to anyone else? Not exactly sure where to go from here.

Thanks guys!

UPDATE: Today the IBR light is flashing, no longer solid. Also I found out you can look at fault codes, its giving me the fault code C2102.

I changed batteries, cleaned up the leads, unplugged/replugged all electrical plugs I could find, still no better.
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Look at these pages and see if you can resolve it, maybe something stuck in the IBR ? Basically what it's saying is to remove the IBR and if it still does the code and the wiring and fuses check out then the motor needs to be replaced.


Had a very similar issue. My IBR issue put me in Limp mode and I could not use the IBR at all. Bought the Can Doo Pro and plugged in. Found 11 occasion of low volatile issues going to the IBT module.

Pulled all of the wires out of the IBR Module and cleaned them all very well, even though they looked like new...

Didn’t solve the issue. Swapped batteries from my other ski and the problem was gone.

Swapped batteries again and the problem came back. Even though that battery would start my ski, it wasn’t good enough voltage for my IBR apparently.

Bought a new Odyssey Battery and all is wonderful...
Had a very similar issue. My IBR issue put me in Limp mode and I could not use the IBR at all. Bought the Can Doo Pro and plugged in. Found 11 occasion of low volatile issues going to the IBT module.

Pulled all of the wires out of the IBR Module and cleaned them all very well, even though they looked like new...

Didn’t solve the issue. Swapped batteries from my other ski and the problem was gone.

Swapped batteries again and the problem came back. Even though that battery would start my ski, it wasn’t good enough voltage for my IBR apparently.

Bought a new Odyssey Battery and all is wonderful...
I also see it as a connection/amperage or relay issue
Thanks for the replys guys.

Little update, yesterday I removed the IBR motor completely (after swapping batteries and cleaning leads with no luck). So I removed the IBR motor and reattached all the electronics with the motor free. Now when I start the machine i get no lights, no warnings, and the motor turns as it should. I can put it in IBR override mode and can see the motor turning when I adjust with the VTS.

So... Sounds like its not the motor (Thank the Lord!) As I was researching new ones and they run $1200 or so. Anyway, now that the IBR motor is removed, I still cant move the IBR gate freely. Should the IBR gate move up and down by hand easily now that the motor is removed? I checked for debris and didnt see any, but something tells me that the gate should be able to go up and down easily now without the motor connected. I ran out of daylight yesterday so I couldn't go any further, but today I'm thinking ill try to remove the IBR gate completely and reinstall, maybe its a loose bolt or something blocking it from moving?
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