12V outlet replacement - worked then stopped. HELP!

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The 12V outlet on my 2004 4-Tec never worked and was just rolling around in the electrical wire area. I asked the Seadoo dealer how much it would cost to replace it. He tells me $125. I figured I would live without it.

$125 my ***. $4.95 on Amazon.


As long as you can just feel around for the positive and negative slots, you should be able to get them attached and then screw the plastic nut on from the inside.

Replacing was easy. I turned the power on and tried it out. I had a small automotive vacuum cleaner that I hooked up. It started, then died. I figured I blew a fuse. I checked the fuses, and all appear to be fine. I checked the main fuses by the battery and they were both fine.

What am I overlooking here? Can anyone give me some suggestions?

Get a meter and test it at the socket. Confirm that the vacuum did not fail...

If no power and the fuses are good. you are going to have to follow the wires back from the socket.
Yeah there isnt much to it. Its a socket that attaches to wires and a fuse. If the fuse is good i would follow the wires looking for a bad spot that is pinched or the insulation is off the wires. Usually something like that would blow the fuse though. I would throw in a new fuse and try something that uses less amperage like a cell phone charger.
Keep in mind vacuume cleaners and air pumps draw more current than cell phone charger type of electronics, which is what it is fused for from the factory. I bumped my fuse up from 5 to 10 amps (from memory but I may be off on those numbers), per the instructions on my air pump, and everything works fine. Check the current requirements of what you plug in ... and if you are paranoid you can check that the socket and wire gage from the fuse box to socket are rated for the larger fuse.

From your description, I am 90% sure you blew the fuse which was too small for a vacuum.
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