Two Copper Sealing Rings on Exhaust????

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I just repaired the welch plugs on the two tuned pipes on my 1995 speedster, and when I pulled them off, I noticed that the copper sealing ring was completely missing from the port engine. I've been trying to track a replacement down , and just found and ordered a used one yesterday. Well, I went to pull the starboard ring out to clean it up in advance of putting everything back together when the new ring arrives, and noticed, that there were actually two copper sealing rings in the starboard side.

I am guessing that this is where my missing ring went, but I can't figure out why it would have been put back together that way. They aren't supposed to have two of those rings are they? Am I at risk of leaks if I put only one back in each cone?

Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. on the plus side, I might end up having an extra sealing ring if anyone needs one on the cheap! :thumbsup:
Only one ring is needed. If the clamp is tight it shouldn't leak with 2 rings. The one that did not have a ring probably leaked a bit.
Thanks, Kicker, I figured that was the case, but just wanted to double check. I've got the high temperature copper sealant that seems to be what everyone recommends for putting this back together, so I'll mate them up with one ring a piece, and keep my fingers crossed for no leaks. I'm chasing so many leaks in this boat it is a wonder it hasn't sank yet! :)
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