Loud noise and loss of power

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New Member
Hey Guys, I am having a problem with one of the engines on my 2005 speedster 200 SC. Either off a start or crusing, every once in a while the right engine goes from sounding good to a loud grinding noise vibrating the entire boat. I lay off on the power, start and stop the boat, wait 5-10 minutes and all the sudden the problem is gone and the engine is back to sounding like normal. My inital thought was something stuck inside the impeller. Wrong, nothing in the intakes at all each time. Got underneath the boat and looked and felt around. What it sounds like is that something is dropping out of gear or a sproket is missing its target or something. I really have no clue. Anyone have an idea of what could be going on????? This happens about once every 20 starts with the boat. Not that often but when it does, it sounds horrible. Would like to have this problem fixed asap. Anyone? please???

PS: forgot to mention that when the engine is making this noise, i have very little power out of that engine.
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