Help! Sunk my PWC.. What do I do?

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New Member
Hi All. I just joined the forum today and need some quick help!

just got my first PWC a week ago. I bought 2 old but nice(maybe not) 1990 Seadoo PWC.. I dont know the models or sizes... When I bought them the owner said one ran great and the other needed a tune up, but both needed batteries.. we jumped them and the started right up and seemed in great shape, so I bought them.... To make a long story short.

I put in a new battery and I took one out today. Engine ran great and this thing flew around the river.

I wasnt out 10 minutes when I noticed I was sitting low in the water, so I docked up to my buddy boat and noticed the whole inside of the engine compartment was full of water. I towed it to shore and drained it out. cranked her over and blew out alot of water, took the plugs out and spewed out alot of water from the plug holes. I sprayed the electrical down with WD-40 and in the spark plug holes.. I ran the battery down blowing out the water, so I wont be able to restart it til tomorrow when recharged. What else should I do to be on the safe side.

Any ideas what causes it to fill so fast? I spent all week checking it over n cleaning the PWC, no cracks in the fiberglass, that I can see and the drain plug was still in the rear! Filled up so fast I almost think it was pumped in somehow. Bilge pump or bad gasket on the jet intake maybe?

I spent the last five hours searching online for answers. Any help is appreciated, I dont have the money to take it to a shop right now.
The main thing to do now is be sure there isn't any water setting in he engine. If you let the water set in there for even a short time it will start corroding and cause major engine damage. Get the that engine started as soon as possible. Don't "Jump" start the battery from a live connection like your car or truck as it will over load the electrical system and cause problems with other components. Use a Jump box or another battery as long as it's not from a "running engine" connection. Get that engine to turn over to pump out all the water from the spark plug holes as soon as you can. Then add a small amount of gas mixed with the same oil you use and add about 2-3 oz of the "pre-mixed" fuel into the spark plug holes. Get it fired up. Once it fires up don't let it run for more than a few seconds with out the cooling hose connected. If it will stay running, shut it down, connect the garden hose up and fire it back up, then turn on the water, in that order. If it stalls shut the water off quickly as the water will back up into the engine if it isn't running. The seadoo needs the pressure of the exhaust to keep it from backing up into the exhaust and water flooding the engine. Remember to shut the water off first then shut down the engine off, so no water enters the engine. Once you get it started check the cooling lines and exhaust, for any leaks coming into the seadoo. It sounds like it is either coming from a leaky cooling line, exhaust pipe plugged caps or maybe from the jet pump shaft area. It might have a bad seal in that area causing water to enter. Get that water out first and the engine running, then look for possible leaks.
Let us know if you need more help. we're here for you.

Think I found the problem for the flooding. Looks like a coolant line clamp came off and was real loose. I think this is what filled the compartment.

The problem I am having now is I think I may have killed the starter selinoid when it flooded. I opened the panel with the fuses and selonoid and all was dry, but when I try to start the engine the selinoid just clicks.

Can anyone tell me how I can test the selinoid to see if it is still good? or what the specs on the selinoid may be. I called my local seadoo shop and they said it would be a week+ before I could get the part in. Is there a way I can jump the selinoid or buy an aftermarket one to get the motor running. Im still worried there may be water in the engine and want to get it out ASAP.

Thanks again. This forum has been a huge help already
Usually the reason the solenoid relay just clicks is due to a low battery or corroded wires from the battery to the ground. Check the connections. If the solenoid is clicking it should be ok. You can jump from one side of the solenoid to the other to see if the starter still turns over. if it won't turn over than the electrical is the problem not the starter solenoid relay.

Hi, I checked the wiring connections, they are good, battery is good and had a shop test the selinoid and it was ok. Still just getting a clicking in the seelinoid when trying to start. tried jumping the selinoid and nothing....

Anything else I can try? I took the back plastic cover off the motor to check and noticed a tear in the gasket and water in there. I dont know what electronics are here but what else can I do? What should I test next in my troubleshooting? I sprayed some water dry on the wires and will try again tomorrow.
If you jumped across the solenoid and it didn't turn the starter over...the starter is the problem. Be sure you have a good ground near the starter...follow the ground wire to where it bolts to the engine. When you jump the solenoid it is getting direct current to the starter.

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