engine / motor alignment tool needed in Raleigh NC area


New Member
Like the title says I needs it for my 96 XP!!!
I will obviously come to you and make it as easy on you as possible! Please let me know I need it ASAP!

Respond here and PM me and we will work out details.

PM 1983. He lives in Raleigh and he may have one. Once you get your ski up and running let us know and we'll have to go out! Always looking for more people to ride as riding by yourself is sketchy.
Wish I would have known earlier. I'm in Greenville but rolling out at 6a.m. I just did a top end, clean up, repaint, install and align in my bro in laws GSX today. Yes, all that in one day.
Wish I would have known earlier. I'm in Greenville but rolling out at 6a.m. I just did a top end, clean up, repaint, install and align in my bro in laws GSX today. Yes, all that in one day.

Racer, which Greenville?

B.rudy, I have a alignment tool in Greenville SC if you want to make the drive
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PM 1983. He lives in Raleigh and he may have one. Once you get your ski up and running let us know and we'll have to go out! Always looking for more people to ride as riding by yourself is sketchy.

I tried sending him a PM (twice) but it doesn't seem to be sending...or at least its not showing up in my "sent" folder?? Is it because im so new of a member or something?

I tried sending him a PM (twice) but it doesn't seem to be sending...or at least its not showing up in my "sent" folder?? Is it because im so new of a member or something?

Don't think that should matter. Maybe his inbox is full?
Racerxxx - this reply was ment for you:
Well i work in Goldsboro. Maybe we could rendezvous?

Please let me know

I'm back in Philly. I was down for a high school graduation, seadoo rebuild, and back home.

I texted MPower for you. Hopefully he'll chime in. I didn't get a response from him though.