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New Member
I was reading around and came across some people having problems with the DESS. It was also stated that it cannot be bypassed. I was wondering.. Is it not just a resistor type of deal the same idea that some car keys have?
NO the DESS,(Digital Electronic Security System) connects to the Mpem,(Multi Purpose Electronic Module) which in turn controls all the electrical of the seadoo. You can't just bypass it.

Well if all it is is a resistor, one should be able to check the value, wire in a resistor of equal and maybe use the old style lanyard as a kill switch. ? Just some ideas floating around is all.
What Karl said about the MPEM, it connects everything electrical in your seadoo. The only way to bypass it to the old style lanyard would be to rewire everything you have. Not something I would recommend. Your going to end up with a mess of wires and a lot of things are going end up not working, besides the fact that security of the Seadoo will be compromised.

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