Carbed M2 210HP Engine and Dino Oil?

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I have been reading a few articles here and there about 2-stroke outboard engine oil and the Mercury carbed engines. I have read a number of people say that it is OK to run regular Mercury brand 2-stroke mineral oil. I have been using the Mercury Premium Plus (synthetic blend) and have found it to be quite expensive. Here in Canada they run about $58CDN a 4-liter jug (approx 1 gallon). I have not priced out the standard mineral oil, but I'm guessing it would be about half the price?

I would like to hear what other people know about using mineral oil with these M2 210HP carbed engines? Thanks in advance.
I use Penzoil XLF since my rebuild. (3 years now) It's only about $19 /gal, and it's a synth blend. It also come recommended from the guys building Merc racing outboards.
Thanks for the great information Tony.... I did some research on that Oil and you are absolutely right, everywhere on the web that talks about the Pennzoil XLF, they seem to rave about it!!!

However, I can not seem to find any retailers in the Toronto area that actually carry that product?

If anyone knows of somebody that carries this, please let me know.

Otherwise, if there are other alternatives, I would be interested in hearing what other people are using.

Thanks again,
What would the procedure be for switching from Quick Silver Premium plus? Drain remote tank and engine resavoir. Any need to flush them or the lines?
I get it at wal-mart. I think those are up in Canada too?

I have checked at our local Walmart here in Whitby. Yes they carry Pennzoil oil products, just not the 2-stroke XLF. But you raise a good point, maybe one of the other Walmart's around here might carry it? I will drop in and get the in-store manager to check that out. I will report back my findings.

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What would the procedure be for switching from Quick Silver Premium plus? Drain remote tank and engine resavoir. Any need to flush them or the lines?

When I first had my boat, the previous owner ran Evinrude XD semi-synthetic oil (it smoked like a bear... Smokey... Get it? LOL) and I simply ran the large tank down until it was almost empty, then just filled that tank up with Mercury Premium plus and it seemed to be ok with that method of transfer.

I guess if you were to siphon out the engine mounted oil canister and refill it with your new brand of oil, that might be better? But I'm not sure it's necessary? Maybe the Dr can chime in on this.

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What would the procedure be for switching from Quick Silver Premium plus? Drain remote tank and engine resavoir. Any need to flush them or the lines?

People have reported that it mixes OK. But Personally... I would drain it out. I don't think I would go to the trouble of totally cleaning out the system... but drain the 2 tanks, and re-fill.
People have reported that it mixes OK. But Personally... I would drain it out. I don't think I would go to the trouble of totally cleaning out the system... but drain the 2 tanks, and re-fill.

So went to Walmart today and picked up a couple of gallons of Penzoil XLF. It was on roll back for $16.xx....pretty good deal. Emptied out the remote tank and engine resavoir and rinsed both with small amount of kerosene followed by a rinse of the Penzoil. I noticed what looked like small amount of sludge in the engine resevoir tank after dumping out the karosene. It wasn't much. I was able to reach a finger in and wipe it out. Looked like jelled oil. Any ideas on what causes this? makes me think I should go through the lines as well.

Also noticed the Penzoil seems less viscous than the Quick Silver. Wondered if this was a good thing or bad.
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silt and other crap is normal for an older oil system. BUT... if it was "Gelled oil"... that's because someone was mixing oil brands. That's a HUGE NO-NO in the 2-stroke world.

If you want to replace the oil lines... that's fine. They don't last forever.
After running for about 4 hours of tubing and cruising the PenzOil seems to smoke a little more than the Quicksilver did. Is this because it's a blend and not a full synthetic?. I bought two gallons. Think I'll just run through and give it more time.
Give it a little time. I think it smokes less that most oils. BUT... verify that your pump link is right. At idle... the mark should line up.
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