Bench testing an Info Gauge, repairing a burnt screen

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Well-Known Member
Hello all, don't give up on the info gauges, there's several things you can do to revive it, fix the display, and test it to narrow down an issue.

1. If the screen is burnt or cooked from the sun, you can get the LCD film kit to repair the display, it's likely the gauge is fine. It's fairly easy to open up, I repaired the one on the 96' GSX project I'm working on. You can't reuse the metal ring on the face, but a large oring a few mm thick does the trick to clean it up.

2. These gauges are sealed, but moisture does get inside and make the gauge eventually quit working or wig out, you'll find the large connection between the main board and lcd screen can get corroded. A little electrical cleaner/lubricant does the trick.

3. Bench testing: For all info gauges from 96' up they are wired pretty common and will light up with no sensors connected. To bench test the gauge either on the ski or off, find the 2 wire connector with purple (+ )and black (- )and the single connector with red/purple (+). YOU MUST HAVE 12v to both wires for the gauge to come on.

Note: Separate Tach and Speed O gauges use just the purple and black connector to power them on and use corresponding sensors, the info gauge adds the red/purple wire.

Below is a pic of the info gauge coming on with no sensors connected, on my work bench I used a 12 volt battery and some jump leads.

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some jump leads? meaning?
That's a great info I had 3 of the gsxl grey ghost and could not power them up.
Can you please guide me on how can I make this work on my xpl? I added set -mode buttons I manage to power it up but it statys on clock indication even if I try to change through set-mode buttons.

Thanks in advance :D
Can you please guide me on how can I make this work on my xpl? I added set -mode buttons I manage to power it up but it statys on clock indication even if I try to change through set-mode buttons.

Thanks in advance :D

It won't progress through the modes unless you hook sensors up to it. To resolve, remove a few sensors from the ski that fall into the mode/set rotation and plug them up accordingly.
I still don't get it, I found the wiring diagram of the RX 2001 and have the info center out of it. I hooked mode - set buttons powered it accordingly and it wont change through time. It starts when I press start but nothing else. I only plug the silver wire for rpm and try to change with mode button and it does not switch to rpm :/
I still don't get it, I found the wiring diagram of the RX 2001 and have the info center out of it. I hooked mode - set buttons powered it accordingly and it wont change through time. It starts when I press start but nothing else. I only plug the silver wire for rpm and try to change with mode button and it does not switch to rpm :/

Maybe I'm missing something, but if you power the gauge up on the work bench with 12V, how would it recognize the RPM's even if zero? There's nothing going through that wire unless the MPEM is also powered up feeding it correct?

You got one gauge powered up on a bench test, if you have another try to confirm the same outcome.
I'm assuming your issue on the ski it's not advancing through the modes when you push the mode button.

Here's what I'd trouble shoot, with a multi meter, confirm the continuity when you press the mode button. You should hear the 'beep' when the circuit closes. If that works move on to checking the connections to the info gauge. In your case on the 2001 RX, directly from the MPEM to the info gauge. Go wire by wire, you want to check areas that pass through plugs.

Narrow it down, but if the gauge is powering up, showing time, it's either the sensor connections to it or the mode button not advancing it. But on the RPM sensor, I'd think you'd need a hot feed coming directly from the source like the MPEM, otherwise just hooking a wire to the gauge doesn't change anything.

Hope what I'm passing along helps, if you lived local I'd come right over and help figure it out, but keep at it. Using the multi meter and tapping into wires and plugs is a must to narrow it down.
Hello all, don't give up on the info gauges, there's several things you can do to revive it, fix the display, and test it to narrow down an issue.

1. If the screen is burnt or cooked from the sun, you can get the LCD film kit to repair the display, it's likely the gauge is fine. It's fairly easy to open up, I repaired the one on the 96' GSX project I'm working on. You can't reuse the metal ring on the face, but a large oring a few mm thick does the trick to clean it up.

2. These gauges are sealed, but moisture does get inside and make the gauge eventually quit working or wig out, you'll find the large connection between the main board and lcd screen can get corroded. A little electrical cleaner/lubricant does the trick.

3. Bench testing: For all info gauges from 96' up they are wired pretty common and will light up with no sensors connected. To bench test the gauge either on the ski or off, find the 2 wire connector with purple (+ )and black (- )and the single connector with red/purple (+). YOU MUST HAVE 12v to both wires for the gauge to come on.

Note: Separate Tach and Speed O gauges use just the purple and black connector to power them on and use corresponding sensors, the info gauge adds the red/purple wire.

Below is a pic of the info gauge coming on with no sensors connected, on my work bench I used a 12 volt battery and some jump leads.

View attachment 38679
What model is that from?
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