97 xp clunking noise when trying to start

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Okay so i'll start off with a little background. I just purchased this seadoo. The previous owner believes that it needs a new starter. It was running fine, then he wasn't able to start it one day. he replaced the starter with a rebuilt starter from a local shop (does not look like OEM, there's no markings just black) and he also replaced the starter solenoid. Said it started up fine again, ran it 5-6 more times and again he believes the starter went. Now, when I hit the the starter button I get one clunk sound, with the airbox off and looking right at the starter you can see that it sparks when trying to start (cluck). also occasionally get a little smoke. The spark appears to be coming from the body of the starter itself not from the positive or negative terminal. Also to be noted I do not get any beeps when connecting the DESS to the post. I opened the box to the starter solenoid and noticed there was a little mucky water in there. cleaned it out, cleaned all the terminals in there and put some dielectric grease on all connections. Still getting the same result. Am going to change out the 15A fuse in there when i can get to the store and get a new one. Anyone have a similar issue, could the new starter be bad already? if a second starter has gone is there something else potentially causing it to go?
If it is not an OEM starter, I personally would dump it and start with a rebuilt OEM starter. You should not be getting Sparks from a starter. That is a very dangerous thing in a bilge. Your beeper may be bad, also. Common issue if it has not been replaced.
yikes, $260. no wonder people buy aftermarket ones.

Mostly, the recommendation is to rebuild your existing OEM. The parts are not that expensive. The aftermarkets are expensive because they do not last and you would be constantly replacing them and experiencing failure.
makes sense. Maybe i'll see if i can find a used one and rebuild it. Also in a couple of posts i was reading and a few pictures I saw some people seem to have a smaller ground wire running from their battery. all I have is the larger red positive and black negative wires running from mine. Is this something I should be concerned with? could I possibly have a grounding issue which is causing the larger electrical issues?
here's a couple picture of the electrical box with the starter solenoid in it. I'm assuming there's supposed to be a rubber gasket of some sort where the top and bottom halves of the plastic box meets and this is probably why there was some water in here.
Dump the original grey fuel lines, you'll have problems soon if you don't. Actually, I'd go through the entire ski and replace all lines for extra measure. May want to look into the carbs also, rebuild them with OEM kits and so forth.
although I know your focus right now is to get it started, the blue oil looks a lot like the tcw-3 pennzoil I use in my kawasakis, that one oil lines looks like it got cut by the hoseclamp too, so once you figure out the starter situation I would start digging into the oil system and get that flushed out with the proper oil, filter and new 3/32 lines.
Perfect thanks for the suggestions on where to get an oem starter. Going to order one and go from there. Also thanks for pointing out the oil situation. Anyone have an idea off hand how much hose I’ll need for the fuel lines (and size) and also how much I would need for the oil lines (is there a special type I need)?
Standard auto fuel line. You will need about 25 feet total of 1/4" and 5/16" line. I cannot remember how much of each because it has been a while since I did mine, but I think it may have been 10' of 5/16" and 15' of 1/4".
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