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2008 GTI fast idle - 4200

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New Member
Just put my seadoo GTI SE 130 in the water and had 2 problems.
1) seal tube was leaking - fixed that.
2) it's idling at 4200rpm when the engine is warm - 21 mph. Idle is about 1700 with the engine cold. Anyone know what would cause this?
After reading about this problem online I figure it's the idle bypass valve. So I took it apart, sprayed it with carb cleaner, put fuel cleaner in the gas, and went for a full throttle ride.
Now the idle speed is down to about 3100rpm. At that speed I can use the reverse to slow down enough to dock it. I guess I need to replace the idle bypass valve.
So, no replies, thats disappointing.
Anyway, just an update, the idle bypass valve didn't make any difference, so I returned it. But I fixed the problem by spraying penetrating oil in the throttle cable. I guess that was sticking and holding the throttle open a bit. A mechanic in Nobel suggested that.
Make sure to use fogging oil or xps lube to lubricate the throttle shaft inside the throttle body. There is a fitting on it for this purpose. Some engines have a yellow cap fitted to the plastic cover to allow you to lube it easier.
So, no replies, thats disappointing.
Anyway, just an update, the idle bypass valve didn't make any difference, so I returned it. But I fixed the problem by spraying penetrating oil in the throttle cable. I guess that was sticking and holding the throttle open a bit. A mechanic in Nobel suggested that.
I was going to suggest throttle cable as I had one in 05 gtx that had high idle and replaced the cable to fix
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