1996 Seadoo gtx bogging

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New Member
So I just recently rebuilt the carburetors on my 96 gtx and replaced the needle and seats with all Mikuni parts and the ski is now bogging when you give it gas and you have to play with the throttle to get it up to speed. After it’s running wide open it runs fine until you let off the throttle then it runs about 2000-2300 rpms for 10-15 seconds before it drops back down to 1500 rpms. Checked the spark plugs and they look fine with no oil built up on them. Anyone know what this could be?
So I just recently rebuilt the carburetors on my 96 gtx and replaced the needle and seats with all Mikuni parts and the ski is now bogging when you give it gas and you have to play with the throttle to get it up to speed. After it’s running wide open it runs fine until you let off the throttle then it runs about 2000-2300 rpms for 10-15 seconds before it drops back down to 1500 rpms. Checked the spark plugs and they look fine with no oil built up on them. Anyone know what this could be?
Sounds like your off-idle transition ports aren't flowing fuel, required to get from idle through that quarter throttle phase when the butterfly is opening but the main isn't dumping fuel in yet.

There's a pic of them around somewhere, probably in Miki's carb rebuild thread. Three tiny ports in the wall of the carb throat, just behind the butterfly.
So I just recently rebuilt the carburetors on my 96 gtx and replaced the needle and seats with all Mikuni parts and the ski is now bogging when you give it gas and you have to play with the throttle to get it up to speed. After it’s running wide open it runs fine until you let off the throttle then it runs about 2000-2300 rpms for 10-15 seconds before it drops back down to 1500 rpms. Checked the spark plugs and they look fine with no oil built up on them. Anyone know what this could be?
I commented about your carb situation in another thread.....Just for shits and giggles...another thing I'd check is the RAVE valves.....I have the same ski (bought used) and I never touched the RAVES....so, after a full carb rebuild myself, etc....I figured while my hands were dirty I should take the RAVES apart to see what's what.....BOTH were extremely dirty with heavy carbon buildup on the blades, one diaphragm was not attached at the bottom, so it was "leaking" which probably contributed to the higher carbon buildup on the PTO RAVE. Cleaning and checking for proper operation won't hurt anything but be sure to re-assemble with new gaskets to the block. The MAG side RAVE can be dis-assembled and removed by taking the black cap cover off (there is a spring under the cover so hold it firmly as you release the retaining clip), remove the 2 bolts holding the valve assembly to the block, then remove the garter spring holding the diaphragm to the black cap and then unscrew the cap (10 mm socket) off the RAVE blade, then you can lift the blade and diaphragm and mount out together.
LikeabossTM nailed it, your tiny transition ports are probably blocked/not clean. The Carb Rebuild Thread sticky is your best friend at this point. Also make sure everything got replaced/positioned properly in the carbs and test that popoff.
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