fuel delivery

  1. Cheflen

    94 speedster possible fuel delivery problem

    Took the “New” speedster for its first water test today and the starboard side motor ran perfectly but the port motor would die out at times and not really rev up easily, pulling the choke would help at times and other times it wouldn’t. I took it home and pulled the carbs apart and checked...
  2. G

    5,000 RPM Maximum on 1996 GTX

    After running decent for the last few years I once again have an issue with not being able to run anything over 5,000 rpm. The forum has been a great resource in the past & wondered if you might come to my rescue again. Sequence of events & symptoms below. I cleaned (but did not rebuild)...
  3. D

    Check valves connected to the fuel system vs fuel starvation

    First of all, thanks for this excellent forum. This is my first try to solve a technical problem related to my Seadoo (that used to work like a charm for years now) and I found highly relevant information here. I am currently experiencing what looks like a fuel delivery problem on my 1996 GTS...
  4. C

    1996 gsx - no fuel when selector is in position on but works on res

    Hi, Here's my story I have a 1996 gsx, had the famous clogged filters in carbs due to the grey fuel lines... I have now, changed all the fuel lines, cleaned fuel selector valve and both carbs, (weird thing I noticed the tinny filter in the rearmost carb was heavily clogged but the one from...
  5. P

    2001Utopia 185doesnt go full throttle

    I have a 2001 Utopia 185 with Mercury M2 210 hp (carburetor version). Used to go 50 mph, but started missing intermittently at high speeds a few weeks ago. Got worse and worse until now it won't go above 40 - rpms are down too. Starts and runs fine up to about 3/4 throttle - when I full...