What is the cheapest brand new PWC?

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New Member
I was just curious.. I have been looking around at used units and figured why not just check but what are the cheapest new PWC's out there?? I found a 09 Yamaha VX for 6400 brand new which seemed descently priced... just curious if there is anythign lower that i can find new.. looking for a 3 seater but 2 will do.. thanks
I dunno about other brands, but you can find leftover 08 SeaDoo GTI's with 130 HP for $6500.
Well that doesnt beat the 09 Yamaha lol... I am just looking for a nice pwc and i saw some nice used ones but as with all used pwc's you never really know what you are getting.. i mean the thing could look like it just came off the showroom floor and then crap out or it could look like it went through a tornado and will not give any problems for years... I just gave it some serious thought and figured why not just looking into a newer one.. i mean i figured for a descent used one you are looking at around 2-3k.. I figure why not take that and use it was a down payment on a brand new one and then just finance the other half of the unit.. And then at least with the new one most companies are giving 3-4 years warranty coverage... I am just trying to see if there is any really good deals out there.. i might just wait till its gets around the end of the season and see about scooping one up cuz im sure they will be doing all they can to sell them and clear the floor..
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