SDF 2010 Meet and Greet - August 14th, 2010 St Pete Florida

Y'all need to come on down....

The :cool: Dudes will max out their wake bag and cruise hoping to catch a dolphin interests. Once one or two start jumping the wake....She is so close you could almost reach out and touch the dolphin! It is all the man said You ain't seen nothing like it!!!!!!

Hey It is a little more than gas money...beautiful, weather, beach , water, people...:cheers:
i has a sad:(

Literally across the entire country for me.. I wish I could go! Have a couple cold ones for me!
Thats just over the bridge from my house.....Im in!!!! I will bring the wife and my son. :cheers:
I made the trip last year and glad I did. The Meet in Venice was awesome. I met several members first hand and got to ride the new RXT that was there as a disply by Douglas Motorsports. Man, what a rush.

I am looking forward to being there again this year. The day is set on my long weekend off. If everything goes to plan, I will be bringing my grill. It's a pretty good size. Anyone there last year might remember. I don't remember how many people were there but it kept up with making the burgers and dogs for all.

I've gone over the schedule with my wife and for the most part, it is good to go. But, I do work at a chemical plant where anything can happen. I've already learned this from past experience.

I am making the plans though and if all goes well, will be there with my grill, GTX and a small bag of tools, in the event anyone breaks down. So, lets have some fun, support the Seadooforum and show Tampa and St. Pete what a bunch of good looking Seadoo's we all have.

I think we should have some kind of "beauty" ........... no, for the skis, not the girls!...:D

I will be bringing my work van so I will have alot of tools on board as well, what you do not have I may in case a ski breaks down, not that, that will ever happen! lol

See you there!
I just purchased a dual pwc trailer, I have to put bunks and lights on it and should have it ready in time, I will only be bringing one ski with me, this is made to hual large 3 seat skis if anyone would like to car pool I may be able to work with you, I would need to know in advance and meet near my house as there is a launch right off of vamo rd in sarasota, you can leave your vehicle safe here all day, or I may be able to meet you either way then load the ski onto my trailer and load up and go, I need to know in advance and I only have 2 seats in my van as it is my personal work van so this needs to be 1 person only that would rather ride up with someone else then drive. Call 941-330-4170 for more details. I am just making this available as a first time thing, please do not abuse what is being offered.

Feel free to email me as well and we can possibly meet up and ride before hand as well.
I will attempt to be there. You'll know me when you see me ... look for this beastly 180 Challenger:


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don't think we could miss that.. would look better as a huge BULL though ;)
don't think we could miss that.. would look better as a huge BULL though ;)

With a Bull on the side I'd have to rename the boat from "Later Gator" to "Gator Bait" :lols:

BTW, can someone change that Flash animation on this forum from that generic SeaDoo to my boat? Just sayin'
I wish it wasnt far away... No way in hell to ride from ny to fl on ski... And no way for fuel in my truck to drive down at 10mpg....
I wish I Could...

Unfortunately, I live in the West coast. Southern California, to be precise. I certainly wish that an event like this could be organized out here. Something to consider, maybe???
------------------8/6 UPDATE!!!--------------------------

Hotel rooms are available to us for a discounted rate of $89.99 per night. Please PM me to get in on this rate.

Keep looking to this thread for updates :)
With the wind out of the west, Bunces Pass will have TERIFFIC Waves & Bustin
curl swells, But Don't go alone, it gets real cranky out there, its close by. The
sandbar starts two miles out and as tide & winds come in it really gets WILD!
This pass is just north of Ft Desoto park, The sandbar is on north side. Use the
Buddy System! Bring your Water-cameras, will be lots of Blasters out there!
See ya at the Sunspree!
Hope I'll be up to jumping waves by this weekend. Just went jumping off Coquina beach Saturday and am still recooperating! Ouch!
Damn guys i have my house all torn apart and the good ski is down for repairs.
If i could make it i would have to borrow somebody's ski to ride.. LOL
Have tons of fun for me, maybe next year.
I have one of those 657X out back, also awaiting a top end (ring bit). Wanna
come down and rent a ski? Gonna be lotsa "Talent" there. Nice Bar too.
I haven't really met anyone here yet and have only posted about my ICatch troubles so far, but ski is repaired and I have a room over there tonight and tomorrow. Look for the bumble bee! Hope to meet some of you all soon. BTW, I live in Orlando so I'm not too far from all kinds of riding around here.
