New house, new barns, so excited.


New Member
My wife recently talked me into buying another house. We'll be holding onto the current home for a month or so to finish up some projects, but it'll be listed after that.

New house has a 2 car attached garage, 24x48 and 24x40 barns. One dirt floor and the other is cement. 5.5 acres just a few minutes from where we currently are.

I'm really excited to get out of this little 2 car garage and into somewhere with some project storage outside of the shop area...and I'll be able to park my drivers in the garage on the house.

It'll be march before we close, April before the current owners are out. So I should have some time to get the shop area setup before summer/ski season.

I'll be building a shooting range out behind the barns and hope to get a decent 150-200yard rifle lane.
Congratulations! Be sure to share a few pictures of your new home.
Barn 2 is the dirt floor storage barn. I'll end up pouring a floor and possibly putting a boiler setup in to heat the floor and make that the workshop. That's not going to be until I get the other house sold though...and maybe even a few years down the road.

The house is in pretty good shape, but it does need some floors and I have to take a wall or two down. Otherwise, it's 2200 sq ft, 5 bedroom, partially finished basement.
Finally got everything worked out with the sellers. Closing in 2 weeks...

Here's a picture of an aerial photo that was taken a while back...there's another 2.5 acres behind the barns that will stay open field/shooting range/track for the quads.

My father and father inlaw already have barn space claimed. I won't have any room left when they're done filling the big barn up with their cars :)

As of right now...crew cab f250, corvette, 64 falcon, 72 Torino are all going in the big barn. Should still have room for my skis and my buddies :lol:
Congrats on the purchase...

I'm still to busy to buy that kind of things as I am still moving around a bit. But once i retire,,, that is my dream set up for sure...
That's the plan. I grew up in the city, she grew up in the country. After being around her parents place for the last 15 years, I quickly realized I wasn't built for city living. I don't want neighbors.

I have too many outdoor hobbies to be stuck on this little postage stamp lot I'm on now. I can't even turn a quad around in my back yard, let alone ride it :)

This house is the 2nd one we went through. It's only 3 miles further away from ever place we go. Daughter gets to stay in the same school, keeps on the swim team. The location is perfect, and the only reason we didn't walk away after some issues with the sellers.

We'll be done dealing with them in 2 weeks. A month of worry and problems is well worth the next 50 years of my sanity.