Hi, I am a new user in this forum...and proud to be here !

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New Member
Hi everybody, I am Stephane and I am a futur rider of a SeaDoo SPi 1994 580cc.
I repaired my old seadoo myself with a service-manual to help me...
The rings was "jammed", so I have took WD 40 to loose them and I had to disassemble the top head of the motor, cleaned all the product that I used by purging engine oil by the 2 screws...
So, I am proud to be a member of this forum and I will continue to go here to take informations about my old Sea-Doo...

(Sorry for bad English, I speak in French normally).

Have a good day !

Stephane, lamule14
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Bienvenue sur le forum. Vous ne savez pas si votre du Québec, mais il ya un certain nombre de gars français sur le forum. Bonne chance avec votre projet, vous trouverez beaucoup d'aide ici. Nous devrons nous contenter d'anglais, donc tous profiter de vos messages. lol

Welcome to the forum. Not sure if your from Quebec but there are a number of french guys on the forum. Good luck with your project, you will find lots of help here. We will have to stick to English though, so all can benefit from your posts. lol
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