2017 Spark Trixx no HIN


New Member
So a buddy of mine bought a Trixx a few weeks ago. After purchase he started noticing subtle differences between other Trixx ski’s and his own. Handle bar grips were black not red, grab bar is black not white, first aid covers are white not red. He ran the VIN/HIN on the Canadian coast guard ownership and it came back 2017 spark in blueberry. Looking around the haul, there’s no stamp for any sort of registration number.

Anyone else have experience with this?
Sounds like some one did a "conversion" on a 2 up. Did you check the jet pump? Does it have extended VTS?
you say you had the vin number ran, did you get the number off of the side of the hull or some paperwork? it is possible that he bought a blueberry unit that has some of the trixx accessories installed on it. you could get a seadoo dealer to run the serial number and tell you what it comes up with
you say you had the vin number ran, did you get the number off of the side of the hull or some paperwork? it is possible that he bought a blueberry unit that has some of the trixx accessories installed on it. you could get a seadoo dealer to run the serial number and tell you what it comes up with

Only the Coast guard papers (ownership in Ontario Canada) have the vin on it. Upon running that vin he got the blueberry spark rather then spark trixx. Can’t find a serial number anywhere on the hull.
Only the Coast guard papers (ownership in Ontario Canada) have the vin on it. Upon running that vin he got the blueberry spark rather then spark trixx. Can’t find a serial number anywhere on the hull.
The vin number on a spark should be stamped in the lower hull just above the sponson on the right side, there is another spot inside the hull under the fuel tank I think but if it isn’t stamped on the outside of the hull then it has been replaced, the hull needes to have the serial number on it otherwise you could run into a problem with the police if they want you to prove ownership, you could bring it to a dealer and have them scan the ecm for the serial number that is stored in the ecm and see if it matches what your paperwork says. Does it have all of the other trixx features? Bilge pump, adjustable riser, foot holds, extended range trim, if not I would be having a conversation with the guy he bought it from
He got it into a dealership for an inspection. Seems it started off as a 2017 blueberry spark, and hit something cracking the hull. Once it was being replaced, they spent the coin to do the full trixx upgrade.

They told him the new hull’s don’t come with the stamping but they do have the paperwork outlining that it has been replaced (which the seller did not provide or inform him of) and that the serial number then has to be re-engraved onto the hull by a third party.
correct, the replacement hulls don't come with serial numbers stamped in them but there is a procedure to install decals on the hull with the serial number on them, they have to be ordered from Brp and you must prove the old serial number has been destroyed by sending in pics of the old serial number cut in half, the second serial number is under the engine in a spark hull, you will want to have the serial number engraved in the hull at the very least so you can prove ownership, pretty hard to prove without a serial number on it. I guess as long as it has all of the Trixx stuff on it and he paid fair market value for it then no harm but it is sort of the same thing as buying a rebuilt car or truck....it's ok if it was done right and there isn't any unforeseen damage but typically I would rather buy something that hasn't had a major repair like that....the seller should have disclosed that the hull has been replaced also.