
  1. Now Bro

    Intake grate repair

    Has anyone tried to repair a damaged intake grate? 2005 sportster 155. I sucked up my rope and it broke both arms of grate at rear. It is still bolted in front, but 2 rear pieces are off kilter.
  2. shamski

    2003 Sportster - Collapsing Tower for Transport?

    Have had troubles with the tower developing cracks on some of the welds -- front arms midway up - one needs a weld again this year. Tower only carries tubbie speakers for tunes and occasionally a skier on da rope -- otherwise it sits. So it isn't stress from pulling tubes, or anything like that...
  3. shamski

    Tower Cracking

    Everyone, Have a wake tower (2003 vintage) that is developing persistent cracks at one weld point on both sides of the tower. See pics.I had one side welded already last year and it is re-cracking. Now I have both sides cracked. What can I check on the tower to make sure that it is tightly...
  4. shamski

    Wake Tower Fatigue

    Have a factory aluminum wake tower with a fatigue crack on one of the welds -- don't think it is a stress crack as it is not at one of the load bearing points. Anyone familiar with fixing this type of issue? Is it just a matter of finding a weld shop that can reweld the joint - knowing that...