Where's the first place you'll go to when COVID-19 is over?


Most activities have been restricted due to COVID-19. We can still go out and all, but it wasn't like before. Do have a particular place in mind to go to after this is all over?
Disneyland with family, movies.

Me too, I'm thinking of movies. I hope there are good ones since I'm thinking about how they manage to do films during this time. Are you looking forward to any movie?

I thought about this one and honestly have to say covid isn't blocking me from doing anything I normally would do.

That's good to hear. We can do pretty much everything we like but with extra caution.
I take that back.

Arctic Man......

It's a snowmobile/ski race held in the mountains 180 miles south from here. It draws so many people that the camping area becomes the 3rd largest town in Alaska for one weekend, seriously.

They had to cancel it last year due to covid and given my current life situation I have plenty of time and freedom to go this year if it happens.

Nothing like 10,000 Alaskans having a 4 day party to say goodbye to winter. It's pure insanity.

I have done 90 on a snowboard getting pulled by a sled, for about 5 seconds..... It's a rush.
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I take that back.

Arctic Man......

It's a snowmobile/ski race held in the mountains 180 miles south from here. It draws so many people that the camping area becomes the 3rd largest town in Alaska for one weekend, seriously.

They had to cancel it last year due to covid and given my current life situation I have plenty of time and freedom to go this year if it happens.

Nothing like 10,000 Alaskans having a 4 day party to say goodbye to winter. It's pure insanity.

I have done 90 on a snowboard getting pulled by a sled, for about 5 seconds..... It's a rush.
Wow! I would love to go someday. Sounds so much fun and one week of that? Just wow.
Umm...nothing I’m not already doing now? Been flying and traveling all over still, kids sports, vacations, and boating. It’s not been much different for me since maybe late-April/early May of last year. YMMV
Where have you been to recently? Traveling is kind of hard at this time though right?
Jackson hole WY, Salt Lake City, San Juan (three times) Houston, Dallas, New Orleans, to name a few. Other than the face diapers most places other than the hardcore leftist states are reasonably open and have been for some time.
SLC, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, LA, Fresno, Louisville, Chicago, Indianapolis, Florida to name a few.
Wow, great that you have them all lined up. San Antonio and Chicago would be on my list, too.
Sorry, that’s where I’ve been just this year. Travel for work. The Alamo and Riverwalk are cool; I’d steer clear of Chicago unless you’re right downtown (and even then, can be unnerving at times).

It was really nice when the airports were empty, security lines short and half full planes. It was - dare I say - almost enjoyable save for the stupid masks on the plane and not serving cocktails. But since spring break kicked off a few weeks ago, lines are back, airports crowded, planes are full and inevitably a crying baby every now and then. But I guess it’s a good thing that people are getting out and living life, and businesses are clawing back.
We went to Chicago in October of 2019 and loved it. We were in the Business district everyday and night walking around and from the Willis tower to the lakeshore and zoo and even late at night never felt unsafe. I am used to Los Angeles with really bad parts and I am sure Chicago has really bad parts but we had an awesome time in the areas we went.
We went to Chicago in October of 2019 and loved it. We were in the Business district everyday and night walking around and from the Willis tower to the lakeshore and zoo and even late at night never felt unsafe. I am used to Los Angeles with really bad parts and I am sure Chicago has really bad parts but we had an awesome time in the areas we went.
Ok, I have customers in Englewood, Compton, Gardena; basically my clients are always in worst part of town. If you’re street smart, you’re fine. Chicago has its nice parts to be sure, but a neophyte could take a wrong turn and be in trouble in a hurry. There’s even flash mobs on Mag Mile so, be smart!
The coronavirus pandemic has prevented many people from traveling. I like to travel to different countries, but coronavirus prevents me from doing this. When the pandemic ends, I want to go somewhere to the mountains, it's very good. It's not that easy to get there. If you know how to get there, then write here, and while I get by Flights Booking
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