Weather is gettin better


Active Member
It's gettin warner down dow under and I'm itching now the ole beast is repaired
Also testing if this post is going to show up as well ( I'm a tapatalk dummy )
Have a good day all

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Yeah the mrs says the same ... Bought my ski from surfers.

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I'm thinking it's time for a test run over the weekend just to test out the waters :)

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Low to mid 20s ... I 'm guessing its nice and warm in your neck of the woods

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The past couple weeks have been a little cooler with the air being sucked up from down south with it sitting in the low to mid 20's but usually it's between 23 to 27's.
We've had a super nice past week or so, enough to make the throttle finger itch :).... Just gotta get past the council fine i just found out about now.. Dirty pricks

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I've just seen on the news the GC shore are copping an absolute hammering

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