Vessal Assist

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New Member
For those of you that fish on the ocean or are just out playing around. Does any one have this in case you need to be towed back in?
I always thought that Maritime Law required a boat within sight of a boat in distress, give assistance to the boat in distress and at the very least take the distressed boat in tow and take the boat to the closest on shore point to give assistance to the boat in distress.

if your new girl there was with u lou, im sure u will get a toe, hell, they may dry dock it and fix it, check compression anyways .....
remember that guy about 6 months ago that said he would take his boat/ski out to the lake and tie a rope to it and practice swimming and towing it behind him just in case he ever broke down. oh yea he was the guy that was going to put the trolling motor on the back of his ski. Anyway, he probably offers towing coverage cheaper than seatow. it may take a while for him to swim out to your location though :)
I agree with SeadooLou, law or not I would help even in the seadoo. I would do what ever it took to help thats just the way it is... But the girl would make it more enjoyable....
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