Trouble with Forum


New Member
Just wondering if anyone else has problems acessing this site? It seems often that I cannot even load a page and it seems as the forum is down. Is this a problem related at my end or somewhere else?

Every once in a while the server will get re-booted but that's not to often. I'm on here about 4-10 times a day, and haven't seen that too often.

Hmm.. Just the night after I wrote that post it was down for me again.. Back on tonight, I am betting tomorrow will be another off night again. lol.. I wonder what causes this.. It seems its late at night is when it happends more often.
Again I'm on here sometimes after midnight also... It might be your computer doing a scan for viruses.

I have that occasional problem too. It doesn't seem as bad as it was last year though. I think it has to do with your internet providers server cause I get the frustrating screen on my desktop that says "cannot find web site" or somthing like that. I can always reach the forum with my blackberry and never had a problem that way. I think the only difference is the providers server.

You could always call your IP and ask them what's the beef?