taking on water (and A bunch of it)

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i have a 08 rxpx , i left it on the beach Saturday night , sunday morning the back of it was squatting down in the water, i pumped out about 40 gallons, i ran it for several hours taking time hear and there to stop and look for water. all was fine i park it on the beach again , got up this morning and pumped out a bunch more water. mondays are bad enough to deal with anyway , this just made it worse. both plugs are in , so where should i start looking.
this may be a dumb idea but i thought about filling it halfway up while it is on the trailer
I had my exhaust ring break on my GS but luckily I was not riding it, only on the trailer and when I pulled it out I saw all the water pour out. It seems they snap off just inside the ski and you may not even notice it unless it falls out.
well i took the seat off put the water hose in , and the water ran out as fast as i was putting it in, both seals for the OPAS linkage was leaking like crazy,...
rxtx leaking

i had same problem yesterday . drove all day , then parked it on shore for 30 mins and when loading on trailer it was heavey, i knew there was water in the compartment . i drained it ,and then got home and filled it up , no water came out , i even run it for awhile and did it again . i wonder if its the seal on the impeler shanft , that goes into the seadoo motor ? when its really hot it leaks , ? what do u guys think
I had my Thru-Hull Exhaust Port Outlet break but it was still hanging on so I didnt notice it until all the water came gushing out. Luckily I didnt ride it that day and it was just on the trailer.
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