Sucked up a bottle cap - How do I remove this?


New Member
2014 Sea Doo Spark 3UP, was out at Lake Saguaro in AZ today and the lake was extraordinarily dirty.. sucked up a bottle cap. Luckily I was 5 minutes from the dock so I limped in but it clearly won't accelerate. I tried to remove using a wire hangar but it is wedged in there. I'm hoping I didn't cause wear ring damage..
Any tips on how to remove this?

Haha, Bill321’s luck is better than mine. NOW I CARRY A PAIR OF THESE in the kit box we assembled for TRixx days! I

gojazz, I had a situation that looked almost identical to yours (only in a Yama VXR) and I am in the parking lot at the ramp laying on loose rocks on asphalt cussing up a storm trying to get that thing out with a straightened coat hangar when dude walks up (no kiddin’, all’s I saw were his hairy toe knuckles sticking out of roached leather sandals and he shoves that pair of forceps under the trailer to me, handles first and says “Hey man, try these ...” - had that plastic outta there in less than 20 seconds AND was back on the water in less than 20 mins!!!!!!!!!

PS - get yerself 2 new wear rings and watch some vids on how easy peasy it is to change ‘em out and you’re back in biz!