Starting/ cranking issue

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New Member
Not new to all this engine stuff but electrics are confusing me (Well electronics anyway)
I have a Seadoo GTX 1996 800
Ski not starting ,....... Key in (beeps twice as normal) press start switch and just a bussing noise from the soliniod ? So i change for a new soliniod and exactly the same issue and noise.
Started to investigate and checked all wiring connections , Earths , crimps, Fuses etc . Battery is new and fully charged and nothing apart from this bussing sound from the starter soliniod..
Whilst metering out all the wiring i have found that i am only getting 8 volts the the soliniod (yellow & red switch wire) ?? If i give that connection 12v the engine cranks straight over.
I have also checked the start switch and the Lanyard switches and they test ok also.
Any ideas out there before i pull my hair out anymore .
Any usefull input would be welcome.
Sounds like a bad connection. As said, clean up your connections, make sure your grounds are clean and tight. You know the major components work so that is good news.

Something simple in the start circuit is putting a resistance in the circuit and dropping your voltage.
Thanks for your replies. I have fitted a new earth lead and no different. I have chased the fault all the way back to the MPME box and only getting 3 volts out the box on the yellow/red wire? And same buzzing noise from the soliniod. There is a starter relay in the front elec box could it be this ..... Not really sure what that does . more investigation tomorrow.
I had that issue ended up my ground cable was bad. Disconnect the ground cable and run a temp jumper and see it it cranks.
I've put a brand new neg from battery direct to engine, and new neg cable from battery to coil neg post. I have cleaned the two neg posts and termonald in the front elec box . have I covered all ??
Sounds like a bad connection. As said, clean up your connections, make sure your grounds are clean and tight. You know the major components work so that is good news.

Something simple in the start circuit is putting a resistance in the circuit and dropping your voltage.
I've put a brand new neg from battery direct to engine, and new neg cable from battery to coil neg post. I have cleaned the two neg posts and termonald in the front elec box . have I covered all ??
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