Reverse Gate Question

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I have a 2006 Sportster 155. Out on the water the other day, everything was fine. I stopped the boat, placed in neutral, and turned it off. After swimming, turned back on, placed in forward. Except, I was going backwards. Seams the gate fell into reverse at some point. Tried neutral and back to forward, still would do nothing but go backwards. Turned off, got in the water, pushed it up to forward position. After that, everything worked fine, went to load up, great. I noticed when I got home that when the shifter is in forward, the gate doesn't sit at 90 degrees and doesn't lock in that little clip. I do have this right that the gate is supposed to lock in that clip for forward position right? Cable needs adjusting? Could this be why it fell out of neutral position? Thanks for all who read.
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