...Need a good laugh ???


New Member
Been slowly working towards pulling the motor outta my "Doo" for a rebuild. Went to yank a couple more bolts before I left the house today. I'm "face-in" the Doo when I notice something scurry around inside. God help me, It's a friggin' mouse... WTF?! Made the mistake of thinking I'd could just grab it and toss it outside. Lil monster bit so hard, I thought it went through my glove (actually have a mark on my finger). Dropped it back into the Doo. Grrr.. Time to spaz. After 2 miserable hours and numerous times driving it from underneath the engine, was finally able to stab it to death with a pencil. It now exists as a smear on my driveway due to my placing it behind a rear tire shortly before I "ripped a strip" as I backed out of the driveway.

Guess I'm gonna have to buy a friggin drain plug sooner rather than later.... back to duct tape till then. - groan -
wow I wouldn't be laughing if that shit bite me.
I'll be going to Dr's but I just checked no rabies in mice.
OHHHHH Poor little mouse, it just wanted to get warm and build a nest around your PTO shaft and eat a few hoses.

PETA will be knocking on your door this evening.

Should have put your ferret in the Doo....nice dinner for it.
Had one in my '96XP two years ago, built a nest in the flame arrestor. Couldn't figure out why the engine was running so rich, pulled the cover off the flame arrestor and found Mama mouse and her brood. No, they didn't survive!
Damnit I been trying to catch a mouse in my garage for the past month.. I miss the smell of gasoline... Now smells like a hazmat problem. :0
5 years ago I acquired a FREE player piano. I got it home and called a service tech. Once he started to open it up we found the remains of a couple mice nests. We found no mice but lots of urine stains and doobies. They nibbled on the piano keys (which are almost 2 feet long, BTW). Within a couple day i couldn't stand the smell so I moved it to the garage. I covered the stains with Zinser 123 and cleaned all the keys which were black with mold and mildew. I also found out it was a 1925 Netzow model of piano. After big bucks to rebuild, it still plays to this day...very loud too!!!...Worth about what I paid to rebuild it. (Pictures available)
ummm.. yay?

...Nothing like a good bite to wake a "Ferret" up!! Wish I had thought of sticking the other ferret in the "Doo". Heh, he probably would've "played with it" to death. Wish I thought of that (was VERY angry). Just happy I got to smear the little bassage before he caused a problem.

I put a small plastic container of moth-balls in each one of my XPs for storage now and haven't had a problem since. Put two complete boxes in the pontoon as it sits outside under a tarp. We live in the country and field mice can be a real issue during the fall and winter, batlle them all the time in the garage.
PETA? You mean People that Eat Tasty Animals??? That PETA??? :lol: Great story Masterferrett!!! You need more pets!
The smell keeps critters away. Mice, skunks, racoons, whatever you have around..they don't bother with it...they just leave.
The moth balls work if you want to get rid of the little critters, but if you want to catch them in a trap then I can confirm that peanut butter works amazingly well (not sure why!).

Mice ate the most important part of my washing machine on Christmas Day last year (the rubber junction between the drum and the mains water supply!). Needless to say I was mighty displeased when I splashed bare foot into my kitchen with a mince pie in one hand and a whisky sour in the other. That was a crimbo that I'll remember for all the wrong reasons lol.
