IBR update/Eco mode

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New Member
Hi has anyone noticed that after the Eco update on the 4tech skis that the brake isn't as aggressive as it was?.... Kind of liked how it would throw hard in but now just feels lazy.....wonder if it can be changed?
I doubt it. I had a convo with a tech at my local dealer and he mentioned something about it being too aggressive in the original programming that was causing some iBRs to fail. The new programming is supposed to remedy that in the more powerful skis. So he thinks at least so take that with a grain of salt but it would make sense.
It's not just in Eco mode, it has been changed through all modes as many unaware users were ejected when using the brakes but now they are soft!
It gives you Eco mode (2.3km/L)
new DESS key reading protocol making it easier to read the key if miss loaded, IBR brake update eliminating the point where you can hold it in neutral and apply throttle & slowing down the brake cup speed so there "100feet" claim is now more like 60-80 feet sooner
The 2011 models didn't come with Eco mode standard the update was around July if you have a model after this and or 2012 model you have this update and the brake will already be softer than originally programmed
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