Got ripped off by member

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Active Member
I was dumb and sent zdj0521 money for an exhaust hose before seeing he had no history here.
Be on the look out for this POS.
Can you give us a little more information on the listing and sale. Maybe it was a misunderstanding.
There are several "sellers" who stalk the "dark web" here on the forum. Guys that NEVER post or hardly post, just stalk the WTB's and pounce on the sales. I ran into this when I first joined and wasn't thrilled with the parts I got. They just needed more elbow grease that I thought they should have. You just gotta look at guys who visit the thread and check their post count if they send you an offering of parts. If they have low post count or none, and also especially if they've been a member for years and are active daily.......bye bye, move to someone else. Sorry, I tend to over analyze things.

But, op, go back to PayPal and have them correct it if they can.
A good reason to never send money as a “friend” on PayPal unless it’s someone you have already dealt with. You can’t file a dispute or cancel the payment as a “friend “.
While unfortunate, my perspective is that this is just the cost of doing business over the internet. Every now and again you get taken. The worst issues I have had is people I help on forums. I've sent parts, paid for shipping and never got a dime. LOL This has happened more than once and thank the good Lord I can afford it. :) It separates the sheep from the goats and makes me treasure good honest people all the more. Good luck with your situation.
Yeah it was sent as a friend
I don’t have pay pay
My buddy sends money for me when I have no choice but use them.
Yes he reached out to me.
Lesson learn
Will one?Thanks I’m looking for one that is is going to work the one I have now is
collapsed. Can you tell me about the silicone? Is it formed?
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