Carb question

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Replacing a 787 motor that is locked up. And whenever I replace a motor or do a top end I like to find out what caused it and fix it so it doesn't happen again. So I started looking at the carbs to clean and rebuild. And I think I found the problem. The linkage was way out of adjustment between carbs. Also noticed the throttle plates will not move without a lot of manual force. So before I go destroying the carbs or replacing them when I don't really need to is there a way to fix this? Anyone ran into this before? Surprising thing is when I opened up the carbs they look super clean!
I would fix the slop and give everything a once over tighton it up and clean it out maybe try some spray grease and see if that makes them move a little easyier
There should be no resistance to the carb shaft turning. I would think they have a problem with corrosion. If all else you would have to pull them apart and clean / buff the shafts. Return springs may be done too. Sounds like time for new or used carbs. Members here may have used parts for you.
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