Are all 4 tech exhaust manifolds the same?

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Wanted to know if anyone knew if all 4 tech exhaust manifolds were the same from 2002-2015? Just rebuilt a 2014 RXPX with spare parts. Redid a new engine and I had so many exhaust manifolds laying around I put one on (I thought all were the same) yet the ski is building up water into exhaust leaking into the pistons and filling the engine Compartment of ski with water. Someone asked if I used right manifold which stunned me. Current one on is not leaking and in excellent condition. Just to note the block of engine was from a 2005 and head from 2011. I did remove the oil resonator from block. I know about the older block and newer head situation. Would like to know if this is the case and I need to look through my parts for another manifold.
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