98 GSX LTD - Fuel Line and carb diagram???

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How is the wear ring around the pump impeller? It may be cavitating. Rev's but no go? The rectifier should be bolted to the computer in the front hatch. Have you checked the fuel system for air leaks? It is easier to suck air then gas. Engine is not getting enough fuel when under a load.

The wear ring is good. It does not rev higher than 3200 rpm under a load. All new fuel lines and verified the seal with no leaks. I verified the accel pump was working as well.
It has a magneto for charging with a rectifier to convert to DC. Charge battery with a two amp charger. Then unplug the rectifier and run it a short time on water. If you replace it, use OEM, I have read that the cheaper Non-OEM's die quickly. Fuel pumps are very picky about voltage supplied to them. In any fuel injected system.

One thing to note is my ski is not fuel injected, its carbed.
I bought 2 Mikuni carb rebuilt kits from a store about 3 miles away. I was going to drive the hour and buy it from Minnetonka4me, but I just did not have the time to spare. Doing the rebuild tonight. Then put it back together tomorrow and test it out. I will worry about the 12v low error and the non working VTS after I get the ski running at least somewhat normal.
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Well I wanted to report back to all of you and give you the latest update.
First of all the ski is running and goes light a raped ape as my wife put it. I told her I would have no idea how fast a raped ape goes, but did not want to find out. So after cleaning and rebuilding the carbs with kits bought from St Boni Motor Sports in Minnesota, and then double checking them again, replacing all fuel lines and ensuring the restrictor which I bought from minnetonka4me was in the correct fuel line at the fuel accel pump, replacing the exhaust gaskets, installing a new battery, ohm everything out, cleaning, inspecting, testing and adjusting the rave valves and the water regulator, resetting the mpem and finally the reeds. They were fine on the mag side, but the pto side was broken in several areas and cracks all over. I replaced the pto side with one I bought from minnetonka4me. Then after all of that, I fired it up, put on my life jacket and went slow, then decided it was now or never. Hit the throttle and holy cow I had to hold on, it took off like a crotch rocket and I let out a woo hoo and rode it for about 30 minutes before letting my wife take over. Now keep in mind this was all for my wife. She bought the ski with her money, and I just did the work. So after she got on it and I seen her smile on her face, the frustrations were all worth it.
So how did I come to the final resolution? Well I did not do it alone. First I do want to thank all who participated to this thread and offered suggestions and helpful tips.
But the person that made the biggest contribution was David from David's Performance Shop in Leeds, ND. David not only sent me a pm, but he gave me his cell number and told me I can help you, call me. I thought at first he was going to try and sell me something. But actually it turned out he genuinely wanted to help me. He is a veteran in the business, and offered his knowledge to me with no strings attached. We had several conversations via cell, texts and email going over what I had already done. Talked about the different tests I could perform to rule different areas out. David was very thoughtful and respectful of my lack of knowledge when it came to pwc. I am pretty good with a wrench in my hand when it comes to mechanical things, and older cars and stuff like that. But have always struggled with PWC. David took the time, and when I say time, I mean hours, not just a 10 minute conversation saying replace this then get back to me. I mean we discussed in length about different parts and possible causes and solutions. He took the time to explain each suggestion he made and how each part within the ski worked. I was and am amazed at how a total stranger could or would spend their own time talking on the phone at all hours, texting, and emailing for nothing in return. There was a time when I was ready to throw in the towel, and cut my losses. David replied to me saying, "Don't give up, we will get this fixed and running. Keep working with me and it will run." Not an exact quote but close enough. He sent me pictures of certain things so I would better understand what he was talking about. During the several hours of talking with David, and his sharing of his vast knowledge with me we have formed a great friendship. We talked about our families, life experiences and our memories of childhood. He is one of those people that if you get a chance to know them and able to consider them a friend you should consider yourself lucky, and believe me, I am the lucky one here and consider him my friend.
David does this for a living, yet he shared his knowledge and experience with me at no charge. I offered but he declined. He worked with me until it was solved, and all while he was dealing with the loss of a loved one. I would have totally understood if he would have said he had to take time to deal with stuff and he would get back to me when he could, but not David. He kept at it, and more amazing kept me going.
To David I say this, "I am forever in your debt, and whenever I can return the favor just say the word my friend!"
Also in closing I would like to offer my sincerest condolences to David and his family on the loss of his brother Duane. May God be with you and your family during this time to help ease the pain of your loss. Duane is never really gone, as he lives on in your fondest of memories.
To everyone else reading this post, give your wife, husband, mother, father, grandpa, grandma, child, brother or sister a hug and tell them you love them today, for tomorrow they may be gone from this earth and only live on in our memories.
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