96 gtx missing out of water, dies in water ???

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New Member
Hello, gotta 96 GTX that has a problem....

Just bought it and the guy said that the carbs sound like they needed to be done. Took it out the day I got it and had to feather the throttle to get it going. Took it back out the next day and it wouldn't stay running in the water. When I took it out of the water, it sounded like it was missing.... put it in the water and it stops running.

So I rebuilt the carb which when I took it apart it was filthy and the gaskets where in wrong. Once I put it back together it wouldn't start. It turned over but sounded like it didn't have fire. (replaced sparks and bat. prior).

Took it in yesterday and told him the problems... went back today and he said its fixed... he said he rebuilt the carb again ($160) and that it sounds great... not missing....

Took it back out to the water, ran it threw no wake zone, opened it up and died. I noticed the gas light was on (I know it was full) switch to the reserve and made my way back... got it going again and tried to go back out to try and open it up and burn out anything bad that might be in it. Got out of wake zone and died.... got myself back in by starting it then die and start and die...... pulled it out of water starts up when revved... it still sounds like its missing... but runs way better out of water than in it........

If ya have any ideas why it sounds like it's missing out of the water and dead once its in that would be great.... Thanks
Hello, gotta 96 GTX that has a problem....

Just bought it and the guy said that the carbs sound like they needed to be done. Took it out the day I got it and had to feather the throttle to get it going. Took it back out the next day and it wouldn't stay running in the water. When I took it out of the water, it sounded like it was missing.... put it in the water and it stops running.

So I rebuilt the carb which when I took it apart it was filthy and the gaskets where in wrong. Once I put it back together it wouldn't start. It turned over but sounded like it didn't have fire. (replaced sparks and bat. prior).

Took it in yesterday and told him the problems... went back today and he said its fixed... he said he rebuilt the carb again ($160) and that it sounds great... not missing....

Took it back out to the water, ran it threw no wake zone, opened it up and died. I noticed the gas light was on (I know it was full) switch to the reserve and made my way back... got it going again and tried to go back out to try and open it up and burn out anything bad that might be in it. Got out of wake zone and died.... got myself back in by starting it then die and start and die...... pulled it out of water starts up when revved... it still sounds like its missing... but runs way better out of water than in it........

If ya have any ideas why it sounds like it's missing out of the water and dead once its in that would be great.... Thanks

Replaced the grey fuel lines?
Cleaned/Replaced the fuel selector?
Clean fuel filter/Check for o-ring for proper seal in fuel filter assembly?
Clean/Check fuel baffle & fuel tank?
Hello, gotta 96 GTX that has a problem....

Just bought it and the guy said that the carbs sound like they needed to be done. Took it out the day I got it and had to feather the throttle to get it going. Took it back out the next day and it wouldn't stay running in the water. When I took it out of the water, it sounded like it was missing.... put it in the water and it stops running.

So I rebuilt the carb which when I took it apart it was filthy and the gaskets where in wrong. Once I put it back together it wouldn't start. It turned over but sounded like it didn't have fire. (replaced sparks and bat. prior).

Took it in yesterday and told him the problems... went back today and he said its fixed... he said he rebuilt the carb again ($160) and that it sounds great... not missing....

Took it back out to the water, ran it threw no wake zone, opened it up and died. I noticed the gas light was on (I know it was full) switch to the reserve and made my way back... got it going again and tried to go back out to try and open it up and burn out anything bad that might be in it. Got out of wake zone and died.... got myself back in by starting it then die and start and die...... pulled it out of water starts up when revved... it still sounds like its missing... but runs way better out of water than in it........

If ya have any ideas why it sounds like it's missing out of the water and dead once its in that would be great.... Thanks
Pull the spark plug boot off (unscrews) of the wire and clip the wire back a 1/4 inch and thread the boot back on. Also you might want to do a compression test, 150psi is ideal.
The compression test is the first thing, it tells you if the inside of the motor is worth doing anything further.
okay, did compression test....
one read 110 and the other was 0.... ouch! So took off the top end, the rear piston is chewed up. This is the second ski (same model/year) with the exact problem with the rear piston, luckly it didn't crack the block on this one.

Is there a reason why they are both broke the exact way and same side??

Is this a common issue with this motor? Or is it my "good" luck?

Any ideas what may cause this?

The arm looks good, is it worth repairing the top end or is there a problem with the arm or crank shaft that I'm not seeing?
This is caused by lean burn out, are both spark plugs white? This could be fuel flow problem or more common with a recent owner transfer is mixing oil creates a gel like jelly on the outside of the jar, you have to flush the OEM oiling system with kerosene and then choose a readily available oil - stick with it so you do not have to flush the system again next year. Mark your oil tank and observe the tank drop before the motor drops from meltdown.
okay, Thanks for your help... plan on rebuilding this weekend... will search forum for tips on putting back together, if you have any for me I would be greatful.....
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