2014 rxpx 260

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New Member
Anyone ever run into a problem where when you connect the garden hose to flush out the motor I’m getting some water into the hall but when I have it in the lake no water gets in the hull any idea why Thanks
Anyone ever run into a problem where when you connect the garden hose to flush out the motor I’m getting some water into the hall but when I have it in the lake no water gets in the hull any idea why Thanks
Can you see where the water is coming in from? If so can you send a picture of the location.
The Reverse actuator is in the way but I can see the water coming from that area
It could be a hose that is loose... i am currently having water come into my ski when the ski is not on as well as when it is on .. I suspect it is a hose loose in the back area. Since water is not coming in normally but only when you are flushing it means that the pressure from the hose is making it leak. I will look at some pictures today and get back to you of what it could be.
Sounds like the inlet hose is leaking during flushing
Not a nice place being a RXP
You’ll need to remove the muffler turn hose on for less than 30 secs and identify the leak
Plug the lines from exhaust manifold to muffler
It could be a hose that is loose... i am currently having water come into my ski when the ski is not on as well as when it is on .. I suspect it is a hose loose in the back area. Since water is not coming in normally but only when you are flushing it means that the pressure from the hose is making it leak. I will look at some pictures today and get back to you of what it could be.
Okays thanks let me know
Sounds like the inlet hose is leaking during flushing
Not a nice place being a RXP
You’ll need to remove the muffler turn hose on for less than 30 secs and identify the leak
Plug the lines from exhaust manifold to muffler
Maybe you could stick a flashlight and a phone camera while recording in there and see where it is leaking, I use this technique a lot and I have had great luck with it.
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