2014 GTI SE taking on water while docked

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need some help please and thnx ...2014 gti se 155 taking on water while sitting at dock overnight.
- i changed the carbon seal and collar the other day (which DID need replacing as it was chipped)
- took for a drive with seat off and no water coming in from bellow/seal and cannot see anywhere where water is getting in
- after sitting overnight there is water in bilge up to the bottom of the engine
- pwc works great and bilge removes all the standing water when i take it for a run but each time i dock it the water creeps back in ...aok if i take for a ride every 12-24 hours to remove the water but am concerned if i leave it for a few days I may find it on the bottom of the lake!!

any idea's where this water might be coming in from? must be somewhere in the hull below the water line i guess ...right?
Curious if you figured out what was causing the water to enter your hull? I found about 30 litres of water in my hull after three weeks of sitting outside. Drained it out, went for a drive right after, and noticed a bit more water had entered the hull...
I had this happen. My reverse cable retaining nut/bolt in the back broke and let the water flow. I have them replaced with aluminum nut/bolt now.
I had this happen. My reverse cable retaining nut/bolt in the back broke and let the water flow. I have them replaced with aluminum nut/bolt now.
The marina called me earlier and said they found a nut and bolt in the hull of the machine rolling around at the bottom. Is the reverse cable retaining nut and bolt inside the hull or is that an exterior one?
Exterior. I looked it up. What broke on mine is the "Direction Cable Lock". There is also one for turning.

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