2003 GTX 155 Check Engine P1202

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New Member
I have twin 2003 gtx 155 machines and have been getting a check engine with code P 1202. I have read a couple of threads and it looks like I may need to start with changing either the TOPS valve or the oil pressure sensor? Does this sound right and if so, does anyone have a link or know the part numbers I need? Thanks for any help
I am sorry to post here, But I dont see where to start a new post. I have a gtx 155 2019 ran great today came home flushed it sprayed water on engine like i was told. i noticed it would not shut off, not the engine, but the display. i disconected battery reconnected same thing display electonics stay on. please help.
I have twin 2003 gtx 155 machines and have been getting a check engine with code P 1202. I have read a couple of threads and it looks like I may need to start with changing either the TOPS valve or the oil pressure sensor? Does this sound right and if so, does anyone have a link or know the part numbers I need? Thanks for any help
On my 2005 GTX LTD 215 something got funky in the MPEM (likely from corrosion/age), related to the TOPS sensor, so the previous owner ran a wire from the purple wire coming from the TOPS sensor straight to the positive terminal on the battery (cut the purple wire a few inches from the TOPS sensor). It fixed the P1202 error. I tried replacing the TOPS sensor (located on the right side of the MPEM assembly) and wired things back to normal - nope, error came back. I think the solution is to replace the MPEM on my ski, which is waaaay more expensive ($400 used) than just running the bypass wire to the battery. I'll stick with the hack for now.

Do this at your own risk! But it is reversible if it doesn't fix your issue. :)
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