'09 Sea-Doo Speedster Problems / Repair

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Greetings All,
I got the boat back in April and was original going half with a friend of mine. Long story short we got into an argument and he wants nothing to do with the boat basically leaving it to me. Since April he has caused some damage and I would like to repair it but have questions, so here we go.

1) He broke the cover off of the radio (just replaced) but continued using the boat in salt water without the cover. The radio does not work now. Any idea what could have been damaged from the salt water? Any trouble shooting tips?

2) One of the radio speaker covers was cracked. Where can i find a speaker cover? I checked a few stores online but do not see that piece.

3) Best cleaner for the seats since this past weekend firework residue (that yucky orange stuff) got onto them and the stitching.

4) There is also a pretty significant scratch on the back of the boat which I believe needs to be filled. Should this be done professionally or is it easy enough to do it on your own? Any suggestions? Filler types? It is on a white piece of the boat so color blending shouldn't be so hard.

I am far from happy about all the damage and would like to correct it. We do have a warranty on the boat but I couldn't even tell you what it covers.

Thank you in advance,
I would suggest forking out the money and getting a new head unit and speakers (they will come with speaker covers)...You will definitely hear the difference...Also, use a Mr Clean Eraser pad...You will be amazed at what they will clean...Go to gelcote.com and they sell a kit that will match...Not bad on the price of the kit but get you on shipping (they are in Canada)...
I totally agree. Head unit probably shot. They are very cheap, you can get a good one for under $150. Mr clean magic erasers are very good to use on the entire boat. The gel cote is an easy fix. I just fixed mine a few weeks ago. Search on here for tips. Follow the directions exactly and dont put too much on. Gelcote.com is the OEM supplier to BRP and it will match perfect. The kit is 29 bucks but 20 to ship.
Do either of you happen to know what the stock radio for the 2009 Sea-doo Speedster is? I have the boat currently up at our country house and the guy who i was originally going half on it with with has the manual. I don't mind buying a new unit. Any suggestions on a good stereo? I am 25yrs old and love my music so I don't mind spending to replace. It really annoys me that we got the boat brand new in April of this year and so many things were destroyed because of his neglect.

Totally going to check out Gelcote.com for the patch work. I guess $50 isn't too bad to do the patch yourself. I couldn't imagine what a shop would charge.

I know we have a 3 year all around warranty I got to see what that covers.

Once again thank you very much for your replies.

stock radio will probably be the same as mine.. I have a 2010 Speedster 150 and it came with a Jensen MSR 3007.. I was looking at 09's and the radio looked identical...
i just googles "Jensen MSR 3007" and your right they do look exactly the same. Thank you very much. And i just ordered those Mr. Clean Eraser Pads. Time to get this boat back into shape !
More than likely any marine grade unit with a name brand is going to be better than your stock unit...More watts per channel, etc. I bought some POLK speakers off ebay and sound good...Still have to get a cover and rebuild my supercharger before upgrading my stock unit...Of course, if mine was shot might be a different story...
What about the remote?

So my 08 Challenger 180 SE also has the Jensen unit. It's probably the same one--it looks the same. It does a decent job, though I know there's probably a lot of better options. But one thing I like about the unit is the remote at the helm that allows me to change the station, input, volume and especially, mute it.

Does anyone know of a good replacement that has a remote that can be put in place of the Jensen's remote?
I have been looking at alpines amps and through their site i see they offer remotes that look just like the jensen's remote that I just installed.. only reason i am keeping the headunit is that its so convienent plus its covered under the warranty that i have so why not just wait till that expires.. but alot of aftermarket radios have the option for the wired remotes that look exactly teh same as the jensen and should be able to mount in thesame opening..
All good head units have remotes I think. I bought Claroin, and htey have several different remotes that vary in size. I bet you could find one to fit. I just added a wired remote to my swimdeck. I bought the Clarion M475 for $120 off ebay. Has ipod hookup, 3 amp outputs, satellite capable and can use a wired remote and it comes with a wiresless remote.
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