
  1. Now Bro

    Intake grate repair

    Has anyone tried to repair a damaged intake grate? 2005 sportster 155. I sucked up my rope and it broke both arms of grate at rear. It is still bolted in front, but 2 rear pieces are off kilter.
  2. Spinner

    Speedster 150 intake grate break, and ideas on fixing?

    Well here's one for you: I was winterizing my 2008 Speedster 150 (supercharged) a couple of months ago, and as I looked under the boat noticed one of the bolts on the intake grate seemed to be sticking out a bit. I looked closer and found what you see in the picture here. The rear quarter of the...
  3. L

    2005 Speedster 200 375hp Cavitation

    Hey guys, Just bought this speedster 200 this season with very low hours (16). First several times I've had the boat out its ran perfectly with no noticeable issues. The last 3-4 times I've had it out recently, I've noticed it's having a hard time getting out of the hole onto plane. It seems...
  4. robman66

    Installed new grate

    After reading all of the posts about the hydro grate and the damage it can cause, I didn't hesitate on ordering a new grate. I will be boating on Lake St.Clair (between Michigan and Ontario) which is a sand bottom, but can have a bit of seaweed. So I went with the 6-tine aluminum grate. The...
  5. wakefj

    Inlet Clearance System Issue

    All, I have a 2006 Challenger and I noticed that "at rest" the impeller grate is deflected upward allowing about 1.5" opening at the ride plate. I've tried all kinds of ways to adjust the grate position at the ICS mechanism without success. After reading through other posts, it looks like...
  6. K

    Ski Rope sucked into Water inlet & around Impeller Shaft-Help!

    I got a Ski Rope sucked into the Water Intake and it wrapped around the BLUE Impeller shaft cover damaging (cracking) the cover and about 2 inches of the BLUE shaft cover is gone. There is still about 6 inches of the cover left but the impeller shaft is partially exposed. I assume the shaft...