di engine

  1. P

    Direct Injected RAVE Solenoid Alternatives

    Hello all you fellow DI engine operators. Broke a nipple off my rave Solenoid. Im aware the carb RAVE Solenoid is not compatible. I cannot find much in the way of used ones that dont end up in me being scammed. I have already tried alternative, vehicle, solenoids that shared the same connector...
  2. XARiUS

    Need Cylinder Sleeve (2000 GTX DI 951) for 88.25 Oversized Pistons

    I have a 2000 GTX DI I just got done replacing the crankshaft in, only to find a crack in the bottom of the piston sleeve. I don't think it will affect compression, as it sits below the rings but I don't want a piece to break off and ruin the crank I just put in. Does anyone have a sleeve or...
  3. K

    Seadoo 951 DI vs None DI

    Hello I have just bought a rebuilt motor for a very good price form a person overseas. By the sound of it i am very Confident that it is a Carby model (to suit my 2000xp) but if its not what it the differnce between the engines? will i be able to replace the DI parts with the Carby Model part...