Trixx help


New Member
So I bought a 2018 spark trixx, and I’ve had it out twice. First time out was perfectly fine until my friend got ahold of it. He took it to shore and needless to say the wear ring went out shortly after. Brought it in and got it fixed, and I finally got out on the water again and it still seems to be down on power. It’ll still get up and go to about 40 but pretty much loses everything after that. When the VTS is up it doesn’t stand up and stay like usual, seems to try and pull itself out of the water. If you do get a good wheelie going it smokes and smells hot. At idle and when giving it throttle it vibrates a bit. Just curious to know if there’s something simple that could be causing this before I make the hour and a half drive to the dealer again.
Not sure why it would smoke and smell hot unless something is plugging the exhaust hose. Possibly the impeller got messed up or there is something still stuck in there though I would think the dealer would have inspected it pretty thoroughly if they replaced the wear ring.. Always teach anyone riding the importance of shutting it off before they get is shallow water and only starting in water at least 3 feet deep before you let them touch the ski!
How bad was the wear ring? Look like something big got sucked up? Ive seen pics of spark wear rings split, cracked up, with holes. If it was something big, the impeller coulda been banged up pretty bad causing cavitation. The jet pump makes pressure to cool the exhaust as well. So could also explain the excessive heat you think your experiencing as well.
The wear ring was pretty mangled, had a clean cut all the way around it. The dealer told me the impeller was damaged a bit and they cleaned it up as well as putting a new wear ring in. I’m a newbie to this world. Since it’s been out of the water I haven’t looked up under it yet, I’ll take a peak in the morning and see how the impeller looks