Speedster Tower Recall

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New Member
Bombardier has sent me six notices over the winter warning of imminent death of myself and our entire species if I use my Speedster 200 without first taking it into the dealer. Now that the three feet of snow that fell over the winter has melted I called my dealer (who is located many miles from where my boat is), to determine what all the fuss is about. They have seen 2 boats come in with cracked welds and had no reports of any actual tower failures. They are doing a visual inspection of boats that come in and if there are no cracks they are adding a set of braces on each side of the rear of each tower (aka. bandaid). My tower is pristine (and had three summers of use) so I am loathe to spend three hours driving and leave my boat with the dealer for two days until the fall when I normally take it in for servicing. Has anyone actually heard of or better still seen a speedster where the tower actually failed and collapsed? Thanks

Bombardier has sent me six notices over the winter warning of imminent death of myself and our entire species if I use my Speedster 200 without first taking it into the dealer. Now that the three feet of snow that fell over the winter has melted I called my dealer (who is located many miles from where my boat is), to determine what all the fuss is about. They have seen 2 boats come in with cracked welds and had no reports of any actual tower failures. They are doing a visual inspection of boats that come in and if there are no cracks they are adding a set of braces on each side of the rear of each tower (aka. bandaid). My tower is pristine (and had three summers of use) so I am loathe to spend three hours driving and leave my boat with the dealer for two days until the fall when I normally take it in for servicing. Has anyone actually heard of or better still seen a speedster where the tower actually failed and collapsed? Thanks


Ive seen pic of a 150 that did fail. just keep and eye on the welds for hair line crackes if your going to use it have a good look first. All the ones ive seen have broke on the rear support for the tower. Maybe see if the dealer will mail you the new parts for the recall. From my under standin from talking to other people there not replacing the whole tower only the rear support legs.
Thanks. I've done a visual on my boat and not seen any cracks (each time I use it I will do a visual). I'm going to "ping" test the welds tomorrow (old welder's trick...tapping on either side of a weld with a brass hammer along the length of the weld to see if the sound changes....if the sound tone deepens it usually means a change in depth in the weld or a hidden crack). The dealer wants to install a couple of ugly braces on all towers that do not show cracks.
Seadoo recall's....

We have a sticky to the Seadoo recall's listed on the BRP site. Here is a link to the thread on the actual BRP website.

When they make a recall, it's because there were failures with other boats that was found by engineers to be caused by a manufacturer defect. Will this happen to you? Maybe not. But the potential for injury does exist. If an accident happens and you were notified and did nothing about it, it removes them from all liability.

Here's the link to the thread............ http://www.seadooforum.com/showthread.php?t=12120
Tower Failure Seadoo Speedster 150 215 HP

:(:(My advice is that you let the dealer fix your Tower. I own a 2008 speedster 150 Supercharged and my tower landed on my head after the welding cracked. These towers are extremely vulnerable to fail. I checked he recall list in sept 2010 and my boat was not listed in the recall. I need the recall link to check again it's just a matter of time before you see more tower failures.:(:(
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